Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Okay, it's feeling a lot like summer. But isn't it just a little too early for this extreme heat? I am not complaining, I will take heat over the extreme cold any day but I am a little overwhelmed with yesterday and today. We are planning a weekend in Ohio and plan on leaving this Friday and back on Monday. My aunt says it's suppose to be in the 70's on Saturday and I think that would be just perfect for me. I'm looking forward to a nice visit. Going back to the heat for a minute, I just bought a second air conditioner from a neighbor who is moving. I only paid twenty-five dollars for it and it has a remote. Talk about moving into high tech. stuff.

Mary and Rob just received thirty-seven baby chicks. Actually baby pheasants. They arrived at the post office early this morning, and she got a call at eight to come pick up her "babies". They were born sometime Sunday night and shipped out from Iowa on Monday morning. We are going to see them tonight. I just talked to her and I guess they are about the size of a gold ball except the runt who is a little smaller. They have to be in a temperature controlled environment for a while. The water they drink also had to be a certain temp. at least for now. I can't wait to see them.

I need to learn how to put pictures on this. Mary put some on my-space for RD, Rose and the girls. And I also received a picture on my Verizon phone this morning of the chicks. I really want to play around with pictures.

I need to get back to my novel. It's coming slowly, and that's alright. Did I tell you all that the title is New Beginnings? I'm pretty sure I did.
So let me get to it again and also take time to fix a supper, something I don't do often enough.

Until next time,
God Bless y'all

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