Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Today I have tried to get on several websites and apparently the internet is too busy to allow me access to where I want to be including Face Book. This is kind of frustrating.

The paragraph above was written yesterday. I continued it and had a lot of information in this but had to Save it and Publish Post later. When I went to do this a short time later all I had was the couple of sentences above. I was too frustrated to do it again. Here I am and my honey just pulled in and I need to get him something to eat before church.

New Beginnings is coming along nicely and I'm about to introduce a new character in the next chapter. I'm excited about this but am not sure exactly what kind of person he will be yet. Face Book is getting too busy and complicated to get on so I might not be on there often. We'll see. Sorry to cut this short.

Denver and Will are in their Dance Recital this weekend and we probably aren't going to be able to go. I will be working till 7am and not getting much rest. I'm sure Korana will be posting pictures. If you are on her blog or want to be it's called Glitter Bug. I'll have to ask her if the complete link can be reached from this one.

Until next time, and very soon I hope,
God Bless y'all

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