Monday, November 9, 2009

Where have I been?

Good afternoon everyone. I was sort of 'out to lunch' all last week. Then when I wanted to get on this and talk to you ladies and gents my computer wouldn't let me into my blog. I went from frustrated to angry and back on Saturday. I was feeling like, 'hey, I set these passwords don't tell me I can't have them, they are mine and have been since I started this months ago.'
But to my dismay I still couldn't get in. I wrote to the help page after their info. didn't 'help' and told them my problem. Maybe they did something because here I am. So thank you, blog spot or Google or whoever helped me.

I have not been sick like so many people but just had a bad day. Well, day after day, after day. Can anyone relate?

I'm waiting for another shipment of books to come. The others are gone. The reports I've heard are good and I'm moving on to keep plugging ahead in the sequel. I am taking book orders over the phone and at my P.O. Box. Need to keep the first book moving.

If anyone is interested in throwing out some suggestions for a title for the sequel feel free. You'll have to be a follower to do this, I think. I hate the word follower. Please don't follow me, you'll end up in an emotional ditch. I did that by 'following' someone. You will become emotional wreckage.

On a happier note, Shawn and Lesley just got back from a trip to her cousins wedding. They actually got to spend a couple of days without the kids. Thanks to Lesley's mom, Sandy.

I just read on Korana's blog that Wayne fell off a ladder a few days ago, but is fine. He never mentioned it to me and I talked to him over the weekend. Korana, as of last night was still feeling like a truck ran over her. My words not hers. And Kor if you read this, I will address Courtney's health problem in the sequel.

Sorry, the bus just backed up and that means my honey is home. Need to feed him.

Until tomorrow,

God Bless you all.

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