Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Good Evening

Hello everyone,

They say we are in for a whopper of a storm. It's suppose to start tonight and and continue into tomorrow. The last time I remember a lot of places closing for an up coming storm, we didn't get it and many people were mad at the weather men. But I think they did their best to predict with the technology they had at the time. I am pretty sure that with todays technology they are probably correct this time. All programs have closed and John doesn't have to in tomorrow, just call and check in about 10 am. I guess we better go up to Save- a-Lot and get milk tonight. Maybe even bread for those of us who can eat bread made with wheat floor, which includes all white floor.

We got the muffler on our car fixed and that is a good thing. The appearing in court next week because we weren't able to get it fixed within the 24 hrs. and paying a court fine is not so good. What a way to throw away good money. Darn.

Don't know what's going on with my new laptop I got at Christmas time because I can work on my book at home and then use my flash drive to put it over to the laptop but for some reason I can't move the stuff from the laptop over onto my Dell at home. So I can't do what I wanted the laptop for and I'm a little frustrated. I think it's just a small issue once we find out what it is. Yes, I realize as long as I use the flash drive I have it for either computer but what if I lost it? I just won't plan on losing it and that will solve my issue. Right?

Will try to keep you posted about our big storm, I know some of you don't live in this area.

Until next time,
God Bless Y'all

P.S. Gail, happy wedding shopping with Heather. Love you both.

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