Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where to go next ?

Where to go next is the question.
I've been thinking that I want to start another blog just for my writing or maybe get a website. Then this one can be for personal stuff. Because some of you have asked for more, I will continue with my life but I also want to say that I have had many requests for a sequel to WHAT'S DONE IS DONE and I am moving ahead to start that also. Now, if I could just find a housekeeper for our little apartment . When I get busy with my creative imagination, I don't want to stop to clean. Mary used to clean for me weekly, but she has a very bad back problem and has a hard time keeping up her own house and garden. She is in a lot of pain and still her gardens are beautiful. She has a passion for them like I do for writing. Plus she and I work together on my books. She is like my critique partner. If something sounds off, she isn't afraid to tell me. That is good. Then we work to make it better. I really just want my floors mopped once a week or so and my things in the kitchen and living room straightened up once a week. Oh, and dusting too because John is allergic to dust mites. So why can't I squeeze in an hour to do this? I don't know. Guess it's not top priority. I know it sounds bad but I am telling the truth. So if my wonderful husband forgets to tell me he has invited someone over, I'm a basket case and poor man I make sure he knows it. But he says he loves me any how. How good is that!

I know Rose is waiting to hear some more so I'll give you a little today.
In 1981 Todd was getting ready to go to Alfred Tech. He had spent his last two years in high school going to Boces half days for auto mechanics. As a kid, he was usually watching his dad fix our cars and that is what he wanted to do. But he wanted to be a mechanic who worked on big trucks and heavy duty stuff. Keep that thought.

Now, the year before he was to leave(if my memory is correct). I need to put a disclaimer here, "my memory could me off anytime and it is not my fault. I'm just human. There, that should do it." Mary met and fell in love. She was pretty young, so I had a hard time with this. We looked forward to taking Todd and getting him settled in to the house that rented rooms to Alfred Tech kids. I never did get to go. His dad took him and I went to bed. Why? My daughter, still madly in love, was due to have a baby two weeks earlier and she was late. At one-thirty in the morning she woke me up to say her stomach felt weird and she had a few pains. We got dressed and called Rob who lived with his parents and said it's time to go. I'll never forget on the way to the hospital in Rochester from Conesus, she said, she couldn't think the contractions could get any worse. I kept quiet, I wasn't going to be the one who told her that she was just getting started. She had planned to walk around so thing would hapapen faster but due to the doctor telling us that she had developed toxemia, she had to stay in bed. They thought she might go into seizures so they pinned towels on the rail of her bed. I was so scared. Back then only one person was allowed into the labor room. Not like today, you could have your whole family and some people do. Well, Mary wanted Rob with her, so I was sent to the waiting room where John was wishing something was on the TV worth watching to pass the time. Now, I'm not dumb and I knew because of her age I could have probably insisted that I was going to be the one with her. But I knew she shouldn't get anymore upset with her BP being so high to begin with. A little before 3pm, her doctor told us that they were probably going to do a c-section because things weren't progressing like they should. They predicted a big baby. Now a few minutes later Rob came to the waiting room to say they kicked him out be cause they were going to put her to sleep for the section. About five minutes later, a nurse came to get him and didn't say anything to us. We were pretty upset at that point. Well, what had happened after he left the delivery room was that they told Mary she could push once more and if the baby didn't come, they were immediately putting her out and doing the section. I'm sure you've guessed it, out popped Robert David. Rob missed the delivery but was so happy that Mary and his son were okay. Robbie was born will a cone head and bells palsy because he had been stuck in the birth canal for so long. We followed the nurse to the 'Special Care Nursery' and she explained it was just a precaution so they could watch him closely. Then she told John and I that he was a good size baby and I said "What did he weigh?" She responded 10lbs, 9ozs. I thought I would faint. Mary ended up in a private room and a special crash cart by her bed because her blood pressure was still so high.

We finally took Rob to my mom's house to get some sleep, and now it's very late afternoon and Todd still had to go to Alfred Tech, yet. Classes started the next day. I was already sick from stress and no sleep, so John pleaded with me to stay home and go to bed. I felt like I was deserting Todd by not going with them. But I just couldn't. The next weekend we all, and I mean all, took a trip so Todd could meet his new nephew.

Our pediatrician said if the Bells Palsy didn't clear up in about 10 days, Robbie might have brain damage. At two months he still had it, so we were off to see a specialist who said he is fine, he just needs a little more time to get over it than most babies.
Robbie is fine. Fell in love with his high school sweetheart, moved to Florida a few years ago and have three beautiful daughters. Mary(because she started so young was a grandmother as young as I was). "Pay back, Mary."

In ending with this part I want to say Mary and Rob had two more boys and they will be celebrating their 25th anniversary next year. Still in love.

Until next time, good bye.

God Bless you all dear family and friends.


Anonymous said...

Nice post, Mom!

Wayne said...

test test

Anonymous said...

Okay Cher I'm trying to see what's going on with this. I'll let you know what happens.