Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday again

Today is Friday and since yesterday was pay day I think we might go out for a fish fry. I don't have to try to figure out what to cook. I really loved to cook for about the first 30 years. Then I just decided that it wasn't a lot of fun anymore. So having the best husband in the world, he told me to only cook when I felt like it. There were a few years that we took our budget money for food and went out to eat every evening. Now we are back to being more realistic and having good home cooked food is important again. This is not new, I'm talking about 10 years of cooking after a few of not. That's why on payday or near it we try to go out for a fish fry. Did you need to know this, I guess not.
New Beginnings is coming along and I know I usually say this, but it's true and it takes hours and hours of just re-doing scenes that I once thought were good. Now I have learned to read them out loud because you wouldn't believe how they sound opposed to just silent reading. I do know how this story is going to end, but it's the getting there and making it a really good book to read that hold the challenge.

Thank you to Wayne and Korana who courageously opened up their home again this year for out Kelly Family Thanksgiving Dinner. I also want to thank Todd and Gail in advance to hosting Christmas again this year. We are a big family and are only able to get together for two or three gatherings each year. This year I found joy in just watching every one of my kids (except Virginia and her two kids who lives in Nashville). Seeing them enjoying the day was so much fun. I can't begin to describe the feeling.

I know a lot of you swear by Black Friday and the sales. I'm not a morning person so I don't go, or at least didn't but this year we went and I hoped to get a laptop. Let's just say I wasn't able to get the deal and I spent almost a full day recovering from the stupid trip. So, if if works for you, great, but I'm too old to start something like this.

I hope y'all like the new look. Feel free to make comments about it.

Until next time,
Y'all allow God to Bless you.

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