This is just a quick note to let my friends know that the only reason I have not continued this blog daily like I said I was going to is that I have not been feeling well. But I don't think I have the flu or a virus. The news is encouraging because I'm going for a test tomorrow that could tell me why I feel this lousy. If it's what my doctor suspects, it is pretty common and can be taken care of and then I will be feeling really good, I'm sure. So, if some days I'm too tired to even turn my computer on this is why. Thanks for understanding.
God Bless you all.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Two days after Christmas
Good evening everyone,
Today seemed to fly by. After church, we went across the street to Wal-Mart (Geneseo) and then went home where we have stayed inside keeping warm for the rest of the day. I curled up in bed this afternoon and watched a movie. I think I was bored. Wonder what people did before TV, especially when they didn't feel like doing anything. I guess for me it's just a time killer. Too bad I didn't like Remington Steele the way Korana and Wayne do. Sorry Wayne, I just had to put that in there. Remind me, what was so bad about him? Just kidding, he wasn't one of my favorites either. Sorry, Kor. Did you really like him that much?
Well, the Kelly clan had a wonderful Christmas. I just look forward to getting together with everyone. Lesley had to work, which stunk and we missed her a lot. But no one missed the day because of illness and I'm very grateful for that.
Mike and Cher are still down in Florida. Too bad they missed all the nice rain and damp weather on Christmas day. At least it didn't freeze and make the roads bad for driving home from Ogden.
Rose, I just read you have all your Christmas decorations put away. Good for you. I enjoyed the pictures of Anyka's first Christmas. I feel bad about you guys living in Florida and missing our rain too.
I need to go for now.
As always, God Bless you.
Today seemed to fly by. After church, we went across the street to Wal-Mart (Geneseo) and then went home where we have stayed inside keeping warm for the rest of the day. I curled up in bed this afternoon and watched a movie. I think I was bored. Wonder what people did before TV, especially when they didn't feel like doing anything. I guess for me it's just a time killer. Too bad I didn't like Remington Steele the way Korana and Wayne do. Sorry Wayne, I just had to put that in there. Remind me, what was so bad about him? Just kidding, he wasn't one of my favorites either. Sorry, Kor. Did you really like him that much?
Well, the Kelly clan had a wonderful Christmas. I just look forward to getting together with everyone. Lesley had to work, which stunk and we missed her a lot. But no one missed the day because of illness and I'm very grateful for that.
Mike and Cher are still down in Florida. Too bad they missed all the nice rain and damp weather on Christmas day. At least it didn't freeze and make the roads bad for driving home from Ogden.
Rose, I just read you have all your Christmas decorations put away. Good for you. I enjoyed the pictures of Anyka's first Christmas. I feel bad about you guys living in Florida and missing our rain too.
I need to go for now.
As always, God Bless you.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Home Sweet Home
We had a wonderful trip to Tennessee, and a great visit. I wasn't feeling the best but we still enjoyed ourselves. We took beautiful pictures of the Nashville Oprey House outdoor decorations. They were out of this world. We spent about 4-5 hours in the mall there. Boy was I tired. The next day we went shopping. The following day we met up with Ron, and he brought Brian and Samantha to spent the rest of the day and evening with us. After Gin got home from work in the evening, we had fun opening gifts and then went out to eat. The kids had a ball and so did the rest of us. We took them to Daddy's house and got home very late.
Virginia took some of my books to church and set them up with the permission of her pastor.
Our trip home was a long one. We spent two nights in a motel instead of one because I wasn't feeling good. This is not a good time to be on a trip. I just wanted to get home. I plan on resting till after Christmas on Friday and then getting very serious about working daily on the sequel.
I took thirteen novels with us and came home with zero. I like that. I should have taken more but I really thought I wanted just a few in case someone was interested. Now some are in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
Sorry, I need to get supper on the table for John. He will be home very soon. He has been so good to me since I have not been feeling the greatest. Yesterday he went to the laundry with me, fixed supper, did dishes. I don't deserve him but God has blessed me with this man anyway. I thank Him everyday. Well, almost everyday.
God Bless,
Virginia took some of my books to church and set them up with the permission of her pastor.
Our trip home was a long one. We spent two nights in a motel instead of one because I wasn't feeling good. This is not a good time to be on a trip. I just wanted to get home. I plan on resting till after Christmas on Friday and then getting very serious about working daily on the sequel.
I took thirteen novels with us and came home with zero. I like that. I should have taken more but I really thought I wanted just a few in case someone was interested. Now some are in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
Sorry, I need to get supper on the table for John. He will be home very soon. He has been so good to me since I have not been feeling the greatest. Yesterday he went to the laundry with me, fixed supper, did dishes. I don't deserve him but God has blessed me with this man anyway. I thank Him everyday. Well, almost everyday.
God Bless,
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I wonder if any of you have been as busy as I have. Last couple of weeks have been non-stop. Tomorrow we are leaving for TN. I am not looking forward to the long ride but we will stay over in a nice motel and finish the trip on Monday. That is the plan anyway. Don't have a bathing suit so if we get a place with a pool, I'm not going swimming because I'm too cheap to buy a new one. It's okay I'm usually too tired anyway and just want to lounge in front of the TV and then pass out.
I hope to be near a computer so I can update this, and work on the sequel. I am so excited because the scenes are falling into place and I have not done a lot of research on this. Thank you again Lord. This book is yours.
I don't mean to cut this short but I am so exhausted and I have to wash my hair and do a few things yet tonight. In the morning I will get the last minute things done. I'm not a morning person. Guess who is. John will be up before the cows and want to get on the road. I guess I better try to get to sleep early tonight.
Good night dear family and friends,
God Bless ya'll. (again for you Shawn, I know how you love to hear that word. NOT!)
I hope to be near a computer so I can update this, and work on the sequel. I am so excited because the scenes are falling into place and I have not done a lot of research on this. Thank you again Lord. This book is yours.
I don't mean to cut this short but I am so exhausted and I have to wash my hair and do a few things yet tonight. In the morning I will get the last minute things done. I'm not a morning person. Guess who is. John will be up before the cows and want to get on the road. I guess I better try to get to sleep early tonight.
Good night dear family and friends,
God Bless ya'll. (again for you Shawn, I know how you love to hear that word. NOT!)
Friday, November 27, 2009
The day after Thanksgiving
Now today I wonder just how thankful I was yesterday. Did you ever get the feeling that if you looked at yesterday or the day before, you could pick out the blessings you have had? But at the time you don't always recognize them? Why is that? Are we so caught up in the busyness of life that we can't enjoy the day? I'm pretty sure that is the case with me.
I have always been a people pleaser and I'm trying to move away from that in my life. I do understand this is an issue from childhood. Trying to please my parents had led into trying to do it for everyone. John has always been loving and supportive. I have felt at times that he could have done better for himself than to get stuck with me. But his constant love and encouragement has helped me through this. We were meant to be together.
The Lord knew what he was doing when he blessed me with this godly man. We have had our issues like any married couple, but God has allowed us to grow in His love together. I remember when we lived in Conesus and the kids were young. I would get all of them ready for church and then my husband would say: Honey, I think I'll stay home and fix you all a wonderful dinner to come home to. And he did. We could smell the roast as soon as we entered our trailer and the dinner was delicious. But you see, I saw through what was really happening. John didn't want to go to church. So I began to pray for him daily. I knew someday he would totally give his heart to the Lord and I wanted it to be yesterday. I don't wait easily.
It took time but when it did happen we grew closer, and I won't say the problems of life and finances went away because they didn't. But you see God walked with us through them and still does today. The reason I told you this is because of the blessings I was talking about in the beginning. They were always there, I just didn't see them. God didn't let go of John because he stayed home and made dinner for us (often) but I sure struggled about this. God was working in his heart even at this time.
Look back, you might see how he has been working in your life or in someone you love. Just keep praying. He will answer.
Thank you for listening, I needed to vent about something and this wasn't it, but it did help.
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
I have always been a people pleaser and I'm trying to move away from that in my life. I do understand this is an issue from childhood. Trying to please my parents had led into trying to do it for everyone. John has always been loving and supportive. I have felt at times that he could have done better for himself than to get stuck with me. But his constant love and encouragement has helped me through this. We were meant to be together.
The Lord knew what he was doing when he blessed me with this godly man. We have had our issues like any married couple, but God has allowed us to grow in His love together. I remember when we lived in Conesus and the kids were young. I would get all of them ready for church and then my husband would say: Honey, I think I'll stay home and fix you all a wonderful dinner to come home to. And he did. We could smell the roast as soon as we entered our trailer and the dinner was delicious. But you see, I saw through what was really happening. John didn't want to go to church. So I began to pray for him daily. I knew someday he would totally give his heart to the Lord and I wanted it to be yesterday. I don't wait easily.
It took time but when it did happen we grew closer, and I won't say the problems of life and finances went away because they didn't. But you see God walked with us through them and still does today. The reason I told you this is because of the blessings I was talking about in the beginning. They were always there, I just didn't see them. God didn't let go of John because he stayed home and made dinner for us (often) but I sure struggled about this. God was working in his heart even at this time.
Look back, you might see how he has been working in your life or in someone you love. Just keep praying. He will answer.
Thank you for listening, I needed to vent about something and this wasn't it, but it did help.
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Today is Thanksgiving Day
Well hi again, I'm sorry it's been awhile. I am just getting over a sinus infection and felt lousy for a few days. Today is better.
We are going to Mary and Rob's for supper. We don't have our family Thanksgiving until Saturday. Then we will enjoy most of our family with two exceptions. Virginia, Bryan, and Samantha are living in Tennessee. Mary's oldest Robbie, Rose, Xandra, Starr, and Anyka live in Florida. Okay, so that is more than two because I listed their family too. Some of you knew what I meant. Maybe.
We will be at Wayne and Korana's on Saturday. I just remembered I need to call because I just read on Korana's blog that the baby is still sick.
I'm going to make this short because I'm not feeling as good as I thought and need to take a rest before we go out.
Sarah, how is your dad doing?
Rose, heard you are helping feed people at your church today. Go, girl.
Cher, are you guys at Craig or Shelly's or are they at your house? Sorry I didn't call yet, to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
See you Saturday, Pooh.
Hey Gin, we will see you in a couple of weeks.
Sharon, sorry I missed you Mon. and Tues.
I know you miss him Kor.
Hope to see you soon, Lea.
Hi Lori, are you at Maria's house today?
Until next time dear family and friends.
God Bless you all.
We are going to Mary and Rob's for supper. We don't have our family Thanksgiving until Saturday. Then we will enjoy most of our family with two exceptions. Virginia, Bryan, and Samantha are living in Tennessee. Mary's oldest Robbie, Rose, Xandra, Starr, and Anyka live in Florida. Okay, so that is more than two because I listed their family too. Some of you knew what I meant. Maybe.
We will be at Wayne and Korana's on Saturday. I just remembered I need to call because I just read on Korana's blog that the baby is still sick.
I'm going to make this short because I'm not feeling as good as I thought and need to take a rest before we go out.
Sarah, how is your dad doing?
Rose, heard you are helping feed people at your church today. Go, girl.
Cher, are you guys at Craig or Shelly's or are they at your house? Sorry I didn't call yet, to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
See you Saturday, Pooh.
Hey Gin, we will see you in a couple of weeks.
Sharon, sorry I missed you Mon. and Tues.
I know you miss him Kor.
Hope to see you soon, Lea.
Hi Lori, are you at Maria's house today?
Until next time dear family and friends.
God Bless you all.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Good morning. It's a beautiful day. The sun is shinning and I love it. Now, I realize it might be chilly out there, but it is November.
I was sitting here thinking about Christmas and the gifts I haven't purchased yet. Our gifts aren't expensive but I try to find something nice. If we buy for just our family, which is our kids, their spouses and the grandchildren and our three beautiful great-granddaughters, it adds up to about thirty-three people. So we really need a big place for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think that leaves our apartment out of the question.
Many years we celebrated both of these holidays at our son, Bob and daughter in law Judy's church basement. It was very nice. It had a large kitchen and they always had a decorated tree because they have Sunday school there too. Bob and Judy cooked a large turkey because it was convenient to use the large ovens there. What they never told us was they usually gave a donation to the church for the use of this. One year, we found out and I felt bad that they took on this cost alone. But I tell you this to explain how our family are givers. I'm very proud to be the Mom, mother-in-law and last but not least the Nana of this wonderful bunch of Kelly's. All seven of them.
The last couple of years we have gone to Todd and Gail's because they bought a very large house and have the room. Then last year we only went there for Christmas. This year we will go to Wayne and Korana's for Thanksgiving and Todd and Gail's for Christmas. We don't have dinner on Thanksgiving day but on the Saturday after it.
Wayne and Korana have purchased her Grandfathers house after he went to be with his Lord a couple of summers ago. You see they moved in with Grandpa a few years before so he wouldn't have to live alone, and it worked out very well for everyone. He was a very active man and lived to be 95, I think. Wayne told me about a time at midnight he heard something downstairs. So he went down and here was Korana's Grandpa up on a chair in the kitchen looking for something that was in the top cupboard. They would come home and find him up on a ladder because he said the gutters needed to be cleaned out. They told him that they would feel better if he waited until someone was at home before he climbed ladders, but he always said he would be fine and they worried too much. I really admired that gentleman.
This could be a little sad, but I remember the day he passed away. Really the day before cause he lived passed midnight. We were at the hospital with his whole family and it was a really an emotional day. He was sitting up asking why everyone was gathered around his bed. He knew. But I think maybe he wanted to sleep and wouldn't if he had company. He talked to all of us and I thought, "The doctors have to be wrong, this man isn't dying. He isn't on medication so heavy that he can't communicate with anyone like my mom was. This is a mistake." I was going out to get a cup of coffee and I walked up to the bed and said, "I'll be back in a few minutes, Grandpa." He smiled at me and said " you know I really love you." I thought he might have thought I was one of his family members but later, he called me by name and said he loved John and I and always thought of Wayne as one of his own. Stop! Now, I'm blubbering like a baby and I thought this might be hard on someone else not me. Korana was with him at the end (I really should say beginning) and I know how much that meant to her. "Thank you Lord for granting her wish to be with him then."
Sorry, I can't proof read this now, so if there are mistakes please just ignore them.
God Bless you all.
I was sitting here thinking about Christmas and the gifts I haven't purchased yet. Our gifts aren't expensive but I try to find something nice. If we buy for just our family, which is our kids, their spouses and the grandchildren and our three beautiful great-granddaughters, it adds up to about thirty-three people. So we really need a big place for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think that leaves our apartment out of the question.
Many years we celebrated both of these holidays at our son, Bob and daughter in law Judy's church basement. It was very nice. It had a large kitchen and they always had a decorated tree because they have Sunday school there too. Bob and Judy cooked a large turkey because it was convenient to use the large ovens there. What they never told us was they usually gave a donation to the church for the use of this. One year, we found out and I felt bad that they took on this cost alone. But I tell you this to explain how our family are givers. I'm very proud to be the Mom, mother-in-law and last but not least the Nana of this wonderful bunch of Kelly's. All seven of them.
The last couple of years we have gone to Todd and Gail's because they bought a very large house and have the room. Then last year we only went there for Christmas. This year we will go to Wayne and Korana's for Thanksgiving and Todd and Gail's for Christmas. We don't have dinner on Thanksgiving day but on the Saturday after it.
Wayne and Korana have purchased her Grandfathers house after he went to be with his Lord a couple of summers ago. You see they moved in with Grandpa a few years before so he wouldn't have to live alone, and it worked out very well for everyone. He was a very active man and lived to be 95, I think. Wayne told me about a time at midnight he heard something downstairs. So he went down and here was Korana's Grandpa up on a chair in the kitchen looking for something that was in the top cupboard. They would come home and find him up on a ladder because he said the gutters needed to be cleaned out. They told him that they would feel better if he waited until someone was at home before he climbed ladders, but he always said he would be fine and they worried too much. I really admired that gentleman.
This could be a little sad, but I remember the day he passed away. Really the day before cause he lived passed midnight. We were at the hospital with his whole family and it was a really an emotional day. He was sitting up asking why everyone was gathered around his bed. He knew. But I think maybe he wanted to sleep and wouldn't if he had company. He talked to all of us and I thought, "The doctors have to be wrong, this man isn't dying. He isn't on medication so heavy that he can't communicate with anyone like my mom was. This is a mistake." I was going out to get a cup of coffee and I walked up to the bed and said, "I'll be back in a few minutes, Grandpa." He smiled at me and said " you know I really love you." I thought he might have thought I was one of his family members but later, he called me by name and said he loved John and I and always thought of Wayne as one of his own. Stop! Now, I'm blubbering like a baby and I thought this might be hard on someone else not me. Korana was with him at the end (I really should say beginning) and I know how much that meant to her. "Thank you Lord for granting her wish to be with him then."
Sorry, I can't proof read this now, so if there are mistakes please just ignore them.
God Bless you all.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Response to questions
Good afternoon everyone. Today I'm going to give answers to some questions I've been asked about the sequel. These questions will be answered to the best of my knowledge at this time. Any or all of them could change with the writing process. This is my disclaimer. Let's get started.
Questions: When will the sequel be out?
Do you have a title yet?
Will you be adding new characters? If so how many? Will all the old characters from "What's Done is Done" be in the new book?
Are you going to keep Courtney in the sequel, and if so, will she continue to have seizures?
You say that you have started this sequel, do you have all of you story line figured out yet?
What about Dora? Will she be in the sequel?
Answers: Wow, so many thing could make this answer impossible. Like re-writing, editing, how fast the story gets from my brain to the paper. Time issues. I do have a desire to have it out by summer, 2010. Now that we are almost to the middle of November, I wonder if that is going to be possible but "nothing is impossible with God." This is a direct quote from his word. I will do my best and the rest is up to Him.
No, I don't have a title yet. Suggestions can be sent to me at:
Yes, at this time I have three new people and they will have major parts in the sequel.
Most the the original people will put in an appearance sometime.
Courtney will be there, Chad and Beth will continue to work with the doctors about her condition.
Sad to say, I do not have all of my story figured out yet, but it will come.
Well as Chad's daughter, Leah will continue to be in the sequel and I can't very well have Leah without her mom, which is, Dora.
One last question: Will all your books be of a religious nature?
Answer: I would like to say that I hate the word religious. But to answer the question, yes they will have a faith based tone or a Christian view. The Pharisees were very religious. Jesus took issue with the fact that they lived by rules and laws that put such burdens on the people that they could not see the real will of God due to their legalism. I know I wandered away from the real question. The answer is Yes.
Feel free to send more questions about the sequel if you wish.
Goodbye my dear family and friends,
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
God Bless you
Questions: When will the sequel be out?
Do you have a title yet?
Will you be adding new characters? If so how many? Will all the old characters from "What's Done is Done" be in the new book?
Are you going to keep Courtney in the sequel, and if so, will she continue to have seizures?
You say that you have started this sequel, do you have all of you story line figured out yet?
What about Dora? Will she be in the sequel?
Answers: Wow, so many thing could make this answer impossible. Like re-writing, editing, how fast the story gets from my brain to the paper. Time issues. I do have a desire to have it out by summer, 2010. Now that we are almost to the middle of November, I wonder if that is going to be possible but "nothing is impossible with God." This is a direct quote from his word. I will do my best and the rest is up to Him.
No, I don't have a title yet. Suggestions can be sent to me at:
Yes, at this time I have three new people and they will have major parts in the sequel.
Most the the original people will put in an appearance sometime.
Courtney will be there, Chad and Beth will continue to work with the doctors about her condition.
Sad to say, I do not have all of my story figured out yet, but it will come.
Well as Chad's daughter, Leah will continue to be in the sequel and I can't very well have Leah without her mom, which is, Dora.
One last question: Will all your books be of a religious nature?
Answer: I would like to say that I hate the word religious. But to answer the question, yes they will have a faith based tone or a Christian view. The Pharisees were very religious. Jesus took issue with the fact that they lived by rules and laws that put such burdens on the people that they could not see the real will of God due to their legalism. I know I wandered away from the real question. The answer is Yes.
Feel free to send more questions about the sequel if you wish.
Goodbye my dear family and friends,
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
God Bless you
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Movin on
Good afternoon,
Today I would like to give you an update of "WHAT'S DONE IS DONE". It's now available at two libraries in Livingston County. Livonia and Lima both have it in their library. A few of these books have been sold in Tennessee, and there are a few in Painted Post, N.Y. Tomorrow I will be shipping some to South Carolina.
If I had to describe what this book was about in simple words this would pretty much cover it: family relationships, lies, shame, happiness, sorrow, love, joy, excitement, reality.
I didn't get to finish this yesterday, so here I am. The books are shipped to South Carolina, and I have my errands done. I am now home and want to get busy on the novel again.
Sometimes my days flow nicely when I'm writing, and others I just seem to be spinning scenes over in my head. If I come away from the computer, knowing I have accomplished something I call it a good day. I know this is normal, at least for me. I still want every day to go smoothly and to be able to move forward. Is this reality? I don't think so. Reality is that I still need a housekeeper and a more self-disciplined life.
I need to get busy, so I'll say good bye for now.
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
P.S. Please pray for my friend Sarah's dad who was injured yesterday and is in the hospital with serious injuries.
Today I would like to give you an update of "WHAT'S DONE IS DONE". It's now available at two libraries in Livingston County. Livonia and Lima both have it in their library. A few of these books have been sold in Tennessee, and there are a few in Painted Post, N.Y. Tomorrow I will be shipping some to South Carolina.
If I had to describe what this book was about in simple words this would pretty much cover it: family relationships, lies, shame, happiness, sorrow, love, joy, excitement, reality.
I didn't get to finish this yesterday, so here I am. The books are shipped to South Carolina, and I have my errands done. I am now home and want to get busy on the novel again.
Sometimes my days flow nicely when I'm writing, and others I just seem to be spinning scenes over in my head. If I come away from the computer, knowing I have accomplished something I call it a good day. I know this is normal, at least for me. I still want every day to go smoothly and to be able to move forward. Is this reality? I don't think so. Reality is that I still need a housekeeper and a more self-disciplined life.
I need to get busy, so I'll say good bye for now.
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
P.S. Please pray for my friend Sarah's dad who was injured yesterday and is in the hospital with serious injuries.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Where have I been?
Good afternoon everyone. I was sort of 'out to lunch' all last week. Then when I wanted to get on this and talk to you ladies and gents my computer wouldn't let me into my blog. I went from frustrated to angry and back on Saturday. I was feeling like, 'hey, I set these passwords don't tell me I can't have them, they are mine and have been since I started this months ago.'
But to my dismay I still couldn't get in. I wrote to the help page after their info. didn't 'help' and told them my problem. Maybe they did something because here I am. So thank you, blog spot or Google or whoever helped me.
I have not been sick like so many people but just had a bad day. Well, day after day, after day. Can anyone relate?
I'm waiting for another shipment of books to come. The others are gone. The reports I've heard are good and I'm moving on to keep plugging ahead in the sequel. I am taking book orders over the phone and at my P.O. Box. Need to keep the first book moving.
If anyone is interested in throwing out some suggestions for a title for the sequel feel free. You'll have to be a follower to do this, I think. I hate the word follower. Please don't follow me, you'll end up in an emotional ditch. I did that by 'following' someone. You will become emotional wreckage.
On a happier note, Shawn and Lesley just got back from a trip to her cousins wedding. They actually got to spend a couple of days without the kids. Thanks to Lesley's mom, Sandy.
I just read on Korana's blog that Wayne fell off a ladder a few days ago, but is fine. He never mentioned it to me and I talked to him over the weekend. Korana, as of last night was still feeling like a truck ran over her. My words not hers. And Kor if you read this, I will address Courtney's health problem in the sequel.
Sorry, the bus just backed up and that means my honey is home. Need to feed him.
Until tomorrow,
God Bless you all.
But to my dismay I still couldn't get in. I wrote to the help page after their info. didn't 'help' and told them my problem. Maybe they did something because here I am. So thank you, blog spot or Google or whoever helped me.
I have not been sick like so many people but just had a bad day. Well, day after day, after day. Can anyone relate?
I'm waiting for another shipment of books to come. The others are gone. The reports I've heard are good and I'm moving on to keep plugging ahead in the sequel. I am taking book orders over the phone and at my P.O. Box. Need to keep the first book moving.
If anyone is interested in throwing out some suggestions for a title for the sequel feel free. You'll have to be a follower to do this, I think. I hate the word follower. Please don't follow me, you'll end up in an emotional ditch. I did that by 'following' someone. You will become emotional wreckage.
On a happier note, Shawn and Lesley just got back from a trip to her cousins wedding. They actually got to spend a couple of days without the kids. Thanks to Lesley's mom, Sandy.
I just read on Korana's blog that Wayne fell off a ladder a few days ago, but is fine. He never mentioned it to me and I talked to him over the weekend. Korana, as of last night was still feeling like a truck ran over her. My words not hers. And Kor if you read this, I will address Courtney's health problem in the sequel.
Sorry, the bus just backed up and that means my honey is home. Need to feed him.
Until tomorrow,
God Bless you all.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
This is a good day indeed. Nothing special is happening here, but God has chosen to give me another day to live, breathe, and a choice to be happy. This doesn't mean we don't hurt for people who are hurting, or cry with those who mourn, but we know God is alive and still in charge, even when we can't see this. I truly can't begin to understand how it is to have all the hardships that others have. I am only beginning to understand that if I didn't have Jesus Christ in my life, I am not sure I could endure any of the stuff this world throws my way. I thank God for a praying, Bible believing grandmother who wouldn't give up on me.
I asked the Lord for years what my ministry should be, and he answered that it was my family. I believe now he has given me another ministry. My family is still priority, I don't want to be in heaven without any one of them but he has graciously given me the gift of writing. I just have to be sure what I write is honoring to him. I also wait on the Lord for my scenes and direction of my books more than I ever did before.
I have this burning desire to get on with my sequel. But I also want to write a short story, or two, or ten for my grandkids for Christmas. The problem is I don't know where to start, until I just start. Yes, that would be the secret, just do it.
So, I am going to do that as soon as I make a cup of coffee.
Until next time dear family and friends,
May God shower you with his blessings.
I asked the Lord for years what my ministry should be, and he answered that it was my family. I believe now he has given me another ministry. My family is still priority, I don't want to be in heaven without any one of them but he has graciously given me the gift of writing. I just have to be sure what I write is honoring to him. I also wait on the Lord for my scenes and direction of my books more than I ever did before.
I have this burning desire to get on with my sequel. But I also want to write a short story, or two, or ten for my grandkids for Christmas. The problem is I don't know where to start, until I just start. Yes, that would be the secret, just do it.
So, I am going to do that as soon as I make a cup of coffee.
Until next time dear family and friends,
May God shower you with his blessings.
Friday, October 23, 2009
End, just for Shawn
Welcome Water Lily. It's so nice to be actually on here when a new follower signs up.
I don't have anything planned to write, so I'll just give you whatever comes to my mind.
I am finding that there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that I want to. Maybe I could cut my sleep time. NOT. How would I get my beauty rest? At my age (which is pretty young for a great-grandmother) I don't have the energy I want. During my first pregnancy which was for Todd, I only took a nap once. After that I took naps whenever my kids did. I needed the sleep.
I will be placing an ad in a couple of Penny Savers by the first of Nov. I'm pretty sure. These should announce my sale of WHAT'S DONE IS DONE for the next two months. Think Christmas gifts or just leisure reading. I'm so excited about this book and the feed back. I have started the sequel, but here is where the time issue comes in. I am praying that I can organize my days more effectively.
Until later,
God bless y'all. (just for you again Shawn, feel better honey)
I don't have anything planned to write, so I'll just give you whatever comes to my mind.
I am finding that there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that I want to. Maybe I could cut my sleep time. NOT. How would I get my beauty rest? At my age (which is pretty young for a great-grandmother) I don't have the energy I want. During my first pregnancy which was for Todd, I only took a nap once. After that I took naps whenever my kids did. I needed the sleep.
I will be placing an ad in a couple of Penny Savers by the first of Nov. I'm pretty sure. These should announce my sale of WHAT'S DONE IS DONE for the next two months. Think Christmas gifts or just leisure reading. I'm so excited about this book and the feed back. I have started the sequel, but here is where the time issue comes in. I am praying that I can organize my days more effectively.
Until later,
God bless y'all. (just for you again Shawn, feel better honey)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Quick Hello
Good evening, I only have a minute but I wanted to let my friends know, I just have been so busy today I couldn't get on this blog. I'm thinking about changing this so when you get on you see the first stuff and not the last entry until you scroll down to it. Any ideas followers. Should I change this? All input gratefully appreciated.
Sorry, we have to leave, hope to get back tomorrow.
Until then Bye,
Sorry, we have to leave, hope to get back tomorrow.
Until then Bye,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Back to book info.
When I started this blog, I just wanted to get some interest going about my novel that was being brought out this last summer.
I went away from this to allow you to learn something about me. This went to almost writing a book about my life. I really wanted to just let readers know where I was coming from but I had people writing to me and asking me to continue on about my life's journey, so I did. Now, I would like to share some things about the novel without giving away the whole story because some of you haven't read it yet.
I will begin by saying that I'm going to run a special from now until the end of the year. It's a great time to purchase something for that person you don't know what to buy for. I now have a manager who is going to try to set up some book signings for me and she will also be putting up fliers. Some will have event information on them. Anyone who would like more information (sale price, delivery, etc.) can contact me by mail at S. Kelly P.O. Box 545 Lima, N.Y. 14485. Be sure to include a phone number, address, or email so I can respond to you as soon as possible.
One person said that this book was like a story about two families. She is right, some will see it this way and that's okay. The main character of this book is Beth Hurley. Beth is a young woman of nineteen, and she makes some very unwise choices. Instead of dealing with them right away, she accepts a lie, and it becomes part of her life. This not only opens her up to more danger, but also separates her from her family for a time. She realizes that to live this lie means she has to lie to cover it up continually.
Chad Bennett is her brother, Charles' best friend and the person who despite being a few years older than Beth, feels some kind of bond with her. He suspects something is wrong,
but is planning his own wedding soon and really can't get involved in her issues.
I can't begin to tell how the twists and turns will keep you wanting to read more. But that is part of the feedback I'm receiving from people. If you aren't a book reader, you can purchase this as an e book from Barnes and Noble on- line.
I look forward to hearing from you. I usually make a trip to the post office daily.
Until next time.
God bless you all.
When I started this blog, I just wanted to get some interest going about my novel that was being brought out this last summer.
I went away from this to allow you to learn something about me. This went to almost writing a book about my life. I really wanted to just let readers know where I was coming from but I had people writing to me and asking me to continue on about my life's journey, so I did. Now, I would like to share some things about the novel without giving away the whole story because some of you haven't read it yet.
I will begin by saying that I'm going to run a special from now until the end of the year. It's a great time to purchase something for that person you don't know what to buy for. I now have a manager who is going to try to set up some book signings for me and she will also be putting up fliers. Some will have event information on them. Anyone who would like more information (sale price, delivery, etc.) can contact me by mail at S. Kelly P.O. Box 545 Lima, N.Y. 14485. Be sure to include a phone number, address, or email so I can respond to you as soon as possible.
One person said that this book was like a story about two families. She is right, some will see it this way and that's okay. The main character of this book is Beth Hurley. Beth is a young woman of nineteen, and she makes some very unwise choices. Instead of dealing with them right away, she accepts a lie, and it becomes part of her life. This not only opens her up to more danger, but also separates her from her family for a time. She realizes that to live this lie means she has to lie to cover it up continually.
Chad Bennett is her brother, Charles' best friend and the person who despite being a few years older than Beth, feels some kind of bond with her. He suspects something is wrong,
but is planning his own wedding soon and really can't get involved in her issues.
I can't begin to tell how the twists and turns will keep you wanting to read more. But that is part of the feedback I'm receiving from people. If you aren't a book reader, you can purchase this as an e book from Barnes and Noble on- line.
I look forward to hearing from you. I usually make a trip to the post office daily.
Until next time.
God bless you all.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Family Highlights,con't
Good afternoon, I have told you a little about the life of Mary, Todd, and Bob. So I would like to just give a little about the others.
Virginia and her family moved to LasVegas a few years ago. We took our '84 RV and drove out there for what was going to be a couple of months. We stayed about 7 months because John found a job he loved in a little airport that did tours of the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. But by the summer time we had both been very sick from the heat and dehydration. I almost went to the hospital, but out there they can give you IV for this in the doctor's office. We came home the first week in July. About four years later, Virginia and her kids moved to Nashville Tennessee. John flew out, helped her with the moving truck, kids and animals, and her husband was able to arrive a few days later. They loved Tennessee. Virginia has two teenagers, Bryan, 18 and Samantha who will be 16 right after Christmas. They have moved to a smaller city than Nashville but it's only about 30 to 40 minutes from Nashville. It's a good size city called Murfreesboro.
When Wayne got out of high school, he went to work for a company that built houses, then left there and got a job at Midvale Country Club in the shop they ran for their members. He also ran a Youth for Christ Club from our home in Greece. At this time we had more teenagers at our house than we ever had. You see they didn't only come on club night, but also whenever they could get him to have a game night or a movie night. John and I went on a ski trip with them as chaperons one year, and then for the next three years we took a trip to Ocean City N.J. and were counselors there. It was a lot of fun. Now to make a long story short, he married one of the girls from the club. They have three daughters. They live in Greece, N.Y.
When Scott finished school, he was already working in a restaurant. He started as a dishwasher, and then became interested in cooking. They were more than happy to have him help out on fish fry night. Soon, he was being trained to cook everything and eventually became head cook. After a few years he wanted to try something different. He was already trained in auto body work and was very, very good at this. So, he did this for a few years. One Christmas he bought wood and hand made a large cabinet for his girlfriend. It was lined with mirrors and had a light in the top. Wow, I was so impressed at the talent the Lord had given my son. Today, Scott lives in Conesus N.Y. very near where he grew up. He and his brother Bob work in the same shop that repairs furniture in Bloomfield. Still working with wood.
Now, as for Shawn. As you know from the beginning, Shawn came along about 7 years after Scott. It was kind of like starting over. But it was great. Now, John had a good job at Gannet newspaper in Rochester and we weren't lacking for money like we did earlier. The older kids said Shawn was spoiled because we could afford to go out to eat, and took a couple vacations, and things like that. Shawn will admit that he doesn't remember being real 'poor'. Well, we weren't, we just lacked money. We pretty much had only Shawn,Scott, and Wayne home when we bought the house in Greece in 1991. Wayne and Scott were gone a lot, so yes Shawn did get a lot of attention. He started attending the Campus Life Club (Youth for Christ) that Wayne did and went on Ocean City trips with us. Surprise, he also found the love of his life there. They married and now have two boys and one girl. His first boy is Shawn Michael Kelly Jr. I didn't realize the paper work and stuff like that you have to do to become a Sr. and your son a Jr. but there is.
Now, I have finished telling you about most of our high points, and still could go on about the grand-kids and I might, but not now. I want to pray and ask God what He would like to come next. Again, I want to say if I have repeated any stuff from earlier. Sorry. I do hope you have enjoyed getting to know about me and my life. I know from comments that people who are Christians with a total heart for God have asked for more faith info. and people who aren't into God for reasons of their own don't want to hear it. I won't apologize, because I am who I am, and that is, who my Lord is constantly changing me into. I hope you will return. My desire is to just be me.
Until next time,
God bless you my dear friends and family.
Virginia and her family moved to LasVegas a few years ago. We took our '84 RV and drove out there for what was going to be a couple of months. We stayed about 7 months because John found a job he loved in a little airport that did tours of the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. But by the summer time we had both been very sick from the heat and dehydration. I almost went to the hospital, but out there they can give you IV for this in the doctor's office. We came home the first week in July. About four years later, Virginia and her kids moved to Nashville Tennessee. John flew out, helped her with the moving truck, kids and animals, and her husband was able to arrive a few days later. They loved Tennessee. Virginia has two teenagers, Bryan, 18 and Samantha who will be 16 right after Christmas. They have moved to a smaller city than Nashville but it's only about 30 to 40 minutes from Nashville. It's a good size city called Murfreesboro.
When Wayne got out of high school, he went to work for a company that built houses, then left there and got a job at Midvale Country Club in the shop they ran for their members. He also ran a Youth for Christ Club from our home in Greece. At this time we had more teenagers at our house than we ever had. You see they didn't only come on club night, but also whenever they could get him to have a game night or a movie night. John and I went on a ski trip with them as chaperons one year, and then for the next three years we took a trip to Ocean City N.J. and were counselors there. It was a lot of fun. Now to make a long story short, he married one of the girls from the club. They have three daughters. They live in Greece, N.Y.
When Scott finished school, he was already working in a restaurant. He started as a dishwasher, and then became interested in cooking. They were more than happy to have him help out on fish fry night. Soon, he was being trained to cook everything and eventually became head cook. After a few years he wanted to try something different. He was already trained in auto body work and was very, very good at this. So, he did this for a few years. One Christmas he bought wood and hand made a large cabinet for his girlfriend. It was lined with mirrors and had a light in the top. Wow, I was so impressed at the talent the Lord had given my son. Today, Scott lives in Conesus N.Y. very near where he grew up. He and his brother Bob work in the same shop that repairs furniture in Bloomfield. Still working with wood.
Now, as for Shawn. As you know from the beginning, Shawn came along about 7 years after Scott. It was kind of like starting over. But it was great. Now, John had a good job at Gannet newspaper in Rochester and we weren't lacking for money like we did earlier. The older kids said Shawn was spoiled because we could afford to go out to eat, and took a couple vacations, and things like that. Shawn will admit that he doesn't remember being real 'poor'. Well, we weren't, we just lacked money. We pretty much had only Shawn,Scott, and Wayne home when we bought the house in Greece in 1991. Wayne and Scott were gone a lot, so yes Shawn did get a lot of attention. He started attending the Campus Life Club (Youth for Christ) that Wayne did and went on Ocean City trips with us. Surprise, he also found the love of his life there. They married and now have two boys and one girl. His first boy is Shawn Michael Kelly Jr. I didn't realize the paper work and stuff like that you have to do to become a Sr. and your son a Jr. but there is.
Now, I have finished telling you about most of our high points, and still could go on about the grand-kids and I might, but not now. I want to pray and ask God what He would like to come next. Again, I want to say if I have repeated any stuff from earlier. Sorry. I do hope you have enjoyed getting to know about me and my life. I know from comments that people who are Christians with a total heart for God have asked for more faith info. and people who aren't into God for reasons of their own don't want to hear it. I won't apologize, because I am who I am, and that is, who my Lord is constantly changing me into. I hope you will return. My desire is to just be me.
Until next time,
God bless you my dear friends and family.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Beautiful Day
I don't know where the time goes. I have been very busy since I wrote last. I think Face Book is nice most of the time but, it's also time consuming and so is my email. I usually check them first, and by the time I respond to all the things on them, I don't have time to really spend on here. Also, I'm trying to get an outline done for the sequel, and I could possibly be helping a friend with a book, and that really excites me. I'm still trying to finish getting my aunt and uncle's copy on cassette for them.
Now, I'm in the process of cleaning out my closet and putting away summer clothes and getting out the winter ones. John won't even walk near my closet, he is sure he might fall in and we would never find him again. It's really not that bad, and I'm sure we would find him in the spring when I put away the winter clothes.
Now back to just a little bit about what came next. Todd bought a Gremlin the second year he was at Alfred Tech. He came home every week-end and before we knew it he was engaged to a girl he had been seeing. Come to find out they had met in 5th grade when he started Livonia middle school. She admits that she had a crush on him then. They were married in September, the year he graduated from Alfred Tech. Gail is a beautiful woman with a soft and gentle heart. They lived next door to us from the time she was almost due to have their first baby until they were ready the have their third. The first was a girl, second and third were boys. I could go on and on but this is the highlight of Todd's life. (I think).
Bob met the love of his life in high school also. Judy was and still is the prettiest girl Bob ever dated. They had a lot in common. She was one of seven children, and her family had five boys and two girls, same as we did.
They both were born on May 2nd, except he was one year older.(I think).
Bob loved the outdoors and still does. He took conservation in high school. He hunts every year. Gun and bow season will find him out in the woods. They have two beautiful kids. One girl and one boy.
Today the sun is shinning and even though it is chilly, God has blessed us with a gorgeous day and I will praise him for it.
Sarah, I wanted to thank you for your comment and your wise advice. Thank you.
Until next time,
God bless you dear friends and family.
Now, I'm in the process of cleaning out my closet and putting away summer clothes and getting out the winter ones. John won't even walk near my closet, he is sure he might fall in and we would never find him again. It's really not that bad, and I'm sure we would find him in the spring when I put away the winter clothes.
Now back to just a little bit about what came next. Todd bought a Gremlin the second year he was at Alfred Tech. He came home every week-end and before we knew it he was engaged to a girl he had been seeing. Come to find out they had met in 5th grade when he started Livonia middle school. She admits that she had a crush on him then. They were married in September, the year he graduated from Alfred Tech. Gail is a beautiful woman with a soft and gentle heart. They lived next door to us from the time she was almost due to have their first baby until they were ready the have their third. The first was a girl, second and third were boys. I could go on and on but this is the highlight of Todd's life. (I think).
Bob met the love of his life in high school also. Judy was and still is the prettiest girl Bob ever dated. They had a lot in common. She was one of seven children, and her family had five boys and two girls, same as we did.
They both were born on May 2nd, except he was one year older.(I think).
Bob loved the outdoors and still does. He took conservation in high school. He hunts every year. Gun and bow season will find him out in the woods. They have two beautiful kids. One girl and one boy.
Today the sun is shinning and even though it is chilly, God has blessed us with a gorgeous day and I will praise him for it.
Sarah, I wanted to thank you for your comment and your wise advice. Thank you.
Until next time,
God bless you dear friends and family.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I can get very depressed when the sun doesn't show her pretty light, and that would be today. I am getting ready to read my book on cassette tapes for my aunt and uncle because their eyes aren't as good as they use to be. I have new ideas to start a sequel for WHAT'S DONE IS DONE. My honey had a low sugar attack on Saturday and on and on I could go. What usually happens to me at this stage of depression is that I can't accomplish anything, and that includes cleaning house. All this adds up to me feeling worse about everything. I'm really want to get to Face Book and do some stuff but for some reason, I can't get in the way I usually do. It looks like they have changed things and I don't like it.
Some people on Face Book just complain all the time and that is frustrating also. Kind of reminds me of what I'm doing now. But they do it constantly. So, I thought if I can get this out of my system now, I'll feel better and can let go of it.
This is the question "hey, where do you want me to go from here. Yes, I could make a book out of my life but then I guess that would be another issue."
So followers and people who read this regularly, give me some ideas. I have highlights of my "continued life" that I could write without boring you with too many details.
Any way I would like to thank anyone in advance who will give me some suggestions.
Until next time,
God Bless
Some people on Face Book just complain all the time and that is frustrating also. Kind of reminds me of what I'm doing now. But they do it constantly. So, I thought if I can get this out of my system now, I'll feel better and can let go of it.
This is the question "hey, where do you want me to go from here. Yes, I could make a book out of my life but then I guess that would be another issue."
So followers and people who read this regularly, give me some ideas. I have highlights of my "continued life" that I could write without boring you with too many details.
Any way I would like to thank anyone in advance who will give me some suggestions.
Until next time,
God Bless
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Today when I was talking to Mary on the phone, she told me that she didn't remember have any other dolls except the one with the black face. I told her that she had many and she said, " I probably did but that is the only one I remember. But you know what my favorite Christmas present was, Mom?" No, I responded. "It was the box of cereal that you guys wrapped and gave us each year."
You see, I was on a big time health thing, and I didn't allow cereal with colors or sugar. But at Christmas time one year, I asked each of them except Shawn, who wasn't here yet, what their favorite kind was. I wrote it down and then we got each of them the kind of cereal they liked. We wrapped them like a Christmas present and put them under the tree with the rest of the stuff. No one was allowed to touch the other persons' box unless they got permission. Well, I guess they liked this and seemed to look forward to it. See how small things can turn into big ones?
Until tomorrow,
God Bless
You see, I was on a big time health thing, and I didn't allow cereal with colors or sugar. But at Christmas time one year, I asked each of them except Shawn, who wasn't here yet, what their favorite kind was. I wrote it down and then we got each of them the kind of cereal they liked. We wrapped them like a Christmas present and put them under the tree with the rest of the stuff. No one was allowed to touch the other persons' box unless they got permission. Well, I guess they liked this and seemed to look forward to it. See how small things can turn into big ones?
Until tomorrow,
God Bless
Monday, September 21, 2009
Were we ever poor ?
I have realized that this will not be in order. The reason is some days I think of what I want to write and it might not be what happened next. So, I'm throwing the order of things right out the window. How's that?
In 1973, my dad had a massive heart attack and died. He had been having problems for a long time and was convinced he would die of a heart attack like his dad. He did. My mom bought a small white satin cross and it had tiny red roses mixed with babes breath on it. It had a pretty gold ribbon on it that said Grandpa. After the flowers dried, I put it in a dresser drawer and every once in a while I would pull it out and just hold it and cry because I missed my dad so much. I'm so grateful that my mom wouldn't let it go to the grave site. She said I should be able to keep it.
About two months before Dad passed away, we bought land and a mobile home in Conesus. There was a addition on the back and we bought another one for the front. Now that gave us two more bedrooms. With six kids at the time, we really needed them. The first couple years I loved it out there. When we had been there six or seven years, I totally hated it. Money was very short all the time and my kids remember getting broken things for Christmas because daddy drove truck for a toy store and the men usually could take home the broken stuff at the holidays. I remember one year when they got bikes but they had to have parts fixed before the big day. Usually brakes, stuff like that. Nice remote control cars and trucks that only worked when you pushed them, so we took off the remote and the wires. I don't remember if they were old enough to realize this or not. One year, Mary and Virginia each got a doll that had black paint across their pretty little faces. You see that was how the company knew they didn't work correctly. They slapped a streak of black paint on the face of the doll. I remember how bad I felt giving them to our girls. As adults they have both told me that those were the best dolls they ever got. Even though they were imperfect, they were given in love and received with love. Kind of like what God did when he gave Jesus for us. He gave in love and we need to receive in love. The difference was that Jesus is perfect not imperfect like the little dolls.
To sum up the title and question of today, were we poor? Absolutely not. Don't let anybody ever say you are poor if you don't have money and a lot of material possessions. That is a lie from the pit of hell.
Until tomorrow,
Goodbye and God Bless y'all. ( Just for you Shawn, your favorite word.)
In 1973, my dad had a massive heart attack and died. He had been having problems for a long time and was convinced he would die of a heart attack like his dad. He did. My mom bought a small white satin cross and it had tiny red roses mixed with babes breath on it. It had a pretty gold ribbon on it that said Grandpa. After the flowers dried, I put it in a dresser drawer and every once in a while I would pull it out and just hold it and cry because I missed my dad so much. I'm so grateful that my mom wouldn't let it go to the grave site. She said I should be able to keep it.
About two months before Dad passed away, we bought land and a mobile home in Conesus. There was a addition on the back and we bought another one for the front. Now that gave us two more bedrooms. With six kids at the time, we really needed them. The first couple years I loved it out there. When we had been there six or seven years, I totally hated it. Money was very short all the time and my kids remember getting broken things for Christmas because daddy drove truck for a toy store and the men usually could take home the broken stuff at the holidays. I remember one year when they got bikes but they had to have parts fixed before the big day. Usually brakes, stuff like that. Nice remote control cars and trucks that only worked when you pushed them, so we took off the remote and the wires. I don't remember if they were old enough to realize this or not. One year, Mary and Virginia each got a doll that had black paint across their pretty little faces. You see that was how the company knew they didn't work correctly. They slapped a streak of black paint on the face of the doll. I remember how bad I felt giving them to our girls. As adults they have both told me that those were the best dolls they ever got. Even though they were imperfect, they were given in love and received with love. Kind of like what God did when he gave Jesus for us. He gave in love and we need to receive in love. The difference was that Jesus is perfect not imperfect like the little dolls.
To sum up the title and question of today, were we poor? Absolutely not. Don't let anybody ever say you are poor if you don't have money and a lot of material possessions. That is a lie from the pit of hell.
Until tomorrow,
Goodbye and God Bless y'all. ( Just for you Shawn, your favorite word.)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Where to go next ?
Where to go next is the question.
I've been thinking that I want to start another blog just for my writing or maybe get a website. Then this one can be for personal stuff. Because some of you have asked for more, I will continue with my life but I also want to say that I have had many requests for a sequel to WHAT'S DONE IS DONE and I am moving ahead to start that also. Now, if I could just find a housekeeper for our little apartment . When I get busy with my creative imagination, I don't want to stop to clean. Mary used to clean for me weekly, but she has a very bad back problem and has a hard time keeping up her own house and garden. She is in a lot of pain and still her gardens are beautiful. She has a passion for them like I do for writing. Plus she and I work together on my books. She is like my critique partner. If something sounds off, she isn't afraid to tell me. That is good. Then we work to make it better. I really just want my floors mopped once a week or so and my things in the kitchen and living room straightened up once a week. Oh, and dusting too because John is allergic to dust mites. So why can't I squeeze in an hour to do this? I don't know. Guess it's not top priority. I know it sounds bad but I am telling the truth. So if my wonderful husband forgets to tell me he has invited someone over, I'm a basket case and poor man I make sure he knows it. But he says he loves me any how. How good is that!
I know Rose is waiting to hear some more so I'll give you a little today.
In 1981 Todd was getting ready to go to Alfred Tech. He had spent his last two years in high school going to Boces half days for auto mechanics. As a kid, he was usually watching his dad fix our cars and that is what he wanted to do. But he wanted to be a mechanic who worked on big trucks and heavy duty stuff. Keep that thought.
Now, the year before he was to leave(if my memory is correct). I need to put a disclaimer here, "my memory could me off anytime and it is not my fault. I'm just human. There, that should do it." Mary met and fell in love. She was pretty young, so I had a hard time with this. We looked forward to taking Todd and getting him settled in to the house that rented rooms to Alfred Tech kids. I never did get to go. His dad took him and I went to bed. Why? My daughter, still madly in love, was due to have a baby two weeks earlier and she was late. At one-thirty in the morning she woke me up to say her stomach felt weird and she had a few pains. We got dressed and called Rob who lived with his parents and said it's time to go. I'll never forget on the way to the hospital in Rochester from Conesus, she said, she couldn't think the contractions could get any worse. I kept quiet, I wasn't going to be the one who told her that she was just getting started. She had planned to walk around so thing would hapapen faster but due to the doctor telling us that she had developed toxemia, she had to stay in bed. They thought she might go into seizures so they pinned towels on the rail of her bed. I was so scared. Back then only one person was allowed into the labor room. Not like today, you could have your whole family and some people do. Well, Mary wanted Rob with her, so I was sent to the waiting room where John was wishing something was on the TV worth watching to pass the time. Now, I'm not dumb and I knew because of her age I could have probably insisted that I was going to be the one with her. But I knew she shouldn't get anymore upset with her BP being so high to begin with. A little before 3pm, her doctor told us that they were probably going to do a c-section because things weren't progressing like they should. They predicted a big baby. Now a few minutes later Rob came to the waiting room to say they kicked him out be cause they were going to put her to sleep for the section. About five minutes later, a nurse came to get him and didn't say anything to us. We were pretty upset at that point. Well, what had happened after he left the delivery room was that they told Mary she could push once more and if the baby didn't come, they were immediately putting her out and doing the section. I'm sure you've guessed it, out popped Robert David. Rob missed the delivery but was so happy that Mary and his son were okay. Robbie was born will a cone head and bells palsy because he had been stuck in the birth canal for so long. We followed the nurse to the 'Special Care Nursery' and she explained it was just a precaution so they could watch him closely. Then she told John and I that he was a good size baby and I said "What did he weigh?" She responded 10lbs, 9ozs. I thought I would faint. Mary ended up in a private room and a special crash cart by her bed because her blood pressure was still so high.
We finally took Rob to my mom's house to get some sleep, and now it's very late afternoon and Todd still had to go to Alfred Tech, yet. Classes started the next day. I was already sick from stress and no sleep, so John pleaded with me to stay home and go to bed. I felt like I was deserting Todd by not going with them. But I just couldn't. The next weekend we all, and I mean all, took a trip so Todd could meet his new nephew.
Our pediatrician said if the Bells Palsy didn't clear up in about 10 days, Robbie might have brain damage. At two months he still had it, so we were off to see a specialist who said he is fine, he just needs a little more time to get over it than most babies.
Robbie is fine. Fell in love with his high school sweetheart, moved to Florida a few years ago and have three beautiful daughters. Mary(because she started so young was a grandmother as young as I was). "Pay back, Mary."
In ending with this part I want to say Mary and Rob had two more boys and they will be celebrating their 25th anniversary next year. Still in love.
Until next time, good bye.
God Bless you all dear family and friends.
I've been thinking that I want to start another blog just for my writing or maybe get a website. Then this one can be for personal stuff. Because some of you have asked for more, I will continue with my life but I also want to say that I have had many requests for a sequel to WHAT'S DONE IS DONE and I am moving ahead to start that also. Now, if I could just find a housekeeper for our little apartment . When I get busy with my creative imagination, I don't want to stop to clean. Mary used to clean for me weekly, but she has a very bad back problem and has a hard time keeping up her own house and garden. She is in a lot of pain and still her gardens are beautiful. She has a passion for them like I do for writing. Plus she and I work together on my books. She is like my critique partner. If something sounds off, she isn't afraid to tell me. That is good. Then we work to make it better. I really just want my floors mopped once a week or so and my things in the kitchen and living room straightened up once a week. Oh, and dusting too because John is allergic to dust mites. So why can't I squeeze in an hour to do this? I don't know. Guess it's not top priority. I know it sounds bad but I am telling the truth. So if my wonderful husband forgets to tell me he has invited someone over, I'm a basket case and poor man I make sure he knows it. But he says he loves me any how. How good is that!
I know Rose is waiting to hear some more so I'll give you a little today.
In 1981 Todd was getting ready to go to Alfred Tech. He had spent his last two years in high school going to Boces half days for auto mechanics. As a kid, he was usually watching his dad fix our cars and that is what he wanted to do. But he wanted to be a mechanic who worked on big trucks and heavy duty stuff. Keep that thought.
Now, the year before he was to leave(if my memory is correct). I need to put a disclaimer here, "my memory could me off anytime and it is not my fault. I'm just human. There, that should do it." Mary met and fell in love. She was pretty young, so I had a hard time with this. We looked forward to taking Todd and getting him settled in to the house that rented rooms to Alfred Tech kids. I never did get to go. His dad took him and I went to bed. Why? My daughter, still madly in love, was due to have a baby two weeks earlier and she was late. At one-thirty in the morning she woke me up to say her stomach felt weird and she had a few pains. We got dressed and called Rob who lived with his parents and said it's time to go. I'll never forget on the way to the hospital in Rochester from Conesus, she said, she couldn't think the contractions could get any worse. I kept quiet, I wasn't going to be the one who told her that she was just getting started. She had planned to walk around so thing would hapapen faster but due to the doctor telling us that she had developed toxemia, she had to stay in bed. They thought she might go into seizures so they pinned towels on the rail of her bed. I was so scared. Back then only one person was allowed into the labor room. Not like today, you could have your whole family and some people do. Well, Mary wanted Rob with her, so I was sent to the waiting room where John was wishing something was on the TV worth watching to pass the time. Now, I'm not dumb and I knew because of her age I could have probably insisted that I was going to be the one with her. But I knew she shouldn't get anymore upset with her BP being so high to begin with. A little before 3pm, her doctor told us that they were probably going to do a c-section because things weren't progressing like they should. They predicted a big baby. Now a few minutes later Rob came to the waiting room to say they kicked him out be cause they were going to put her to sleep for the section. About five minutes later, a nurse came to get him and didn't say anything to us. We were pretty upset at that point. Well, what had happened after he left the delivery room was that they told Mary she could push once more and if the baby didn't come, they were immediately putting her out and doing the section. I'm sure you've guessed it, out popped Robert David. Rob missed the delivery but was so happy that Mary and his son were okay. Robbie was born will a cone head and bells palsy because he had been stuck in the birth canal for so long. We followed the nurse to the 'Special Care Nursery' and she explained it was just a precaution so they could watch him closely. Then she told John and I that he was a good size baby and I said "What did he weigh?" She responded 10lbs, 9ozs. I thought I would faint. Mary ended up in a private room and a special crash cart by her bed because her blood pressure was still so high.
We finally took Rob to my mom's house to get some sleep, and now it's very late afternoon and Todd still had to go to Alfred Tech, yet. Classes started the next day. I was already sick from stress and no sleep, so John pleaded with me to stay home and go to bed. I felt like I was deserting Todd by not going with them. But I just couldn't. The next weekend we all, and I mean all, took a trip so Todd could meet his new nephew.
Our pediatrician said if the Bells Palsy didn't clear up in about 10 days, Robbie might have brain damage. At two months he still had it, so we were off to see a specialist who said he is fine, he just needs a little more time to get over it than most babies.
Robbie is fine. Fell in love with his high school sweetheart, moved to Florida a few years ago and have three beautiful daughters. Mary(because she started so young was a grandmother as young as I was). "Pay back, Mary."
In ending with this part I want to say Mary and Rob had two more boys and they will be celebrating their 25th anniversary next year. Still in love.
Until next time, good bye.
God Bless you all dear family and friends.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hi everyone,
I know it's been a few days since I have written, but I've been so busy getting things ready for the "Autumn in the Village" in Livonia on Sept,. 12. My friend, Cindy has had me making fliers and she is putting them on bulletin boards wherever she can. I was hoping to get another shipment of books before then but I don't think I will get it on time. So I'll sell what I have, and ship the others to people who order books.
"Rose, I mailed your book today."
I would like to go back to my life for you all but as you might have guessed by the title, I have a headache. Forgive me, but I need to quit for tonight.
Until next time,
God Bless
I know it's been a few days since I have written, but I've been so busy getting things ready for the "Autumn in the Village" in Livonia on Sept,. 12. My friend, Cindy has had me making fliers and she is putting them on bulletin boards wherever she can. I was hoping to get another shipment of books before then but I don't think I will get it on time. So I'll sell what I have, and ship the others to people who order books.
"Rose, I mailed your book today."
I would like to go back to my life for you all but as you might have guessed by the title, I have a headache. Forgive me, but I need to quit for tonight.
Until next time,
God Bless
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Hi again
Hi everyone,
On Friday my son, Shawn brought me my new computer and installed all kinds of stuff and now I am up and running again.
Hi Sarah, it's good to see you as a follower. I feel bad that I don't know how to get in contact with you anymore, but we aren't there either. You can leave me a message on Face Book sometime and let me know who I could contact to reach you. I really hoped more people would be able to get my new book from where we used to meet , but it came out about the same time 'the you know what hit the fan.' I think it's a really good book and maybe sometime you could get it and I think it would bless you. I know others have told me it has blessed them and that was the whole plan.
About the book, anyone who reads it will be following the life of a young woman named Beth Hurley. She made one fateful mistake by taking a girlfriends dare and her life was turned upside down for many years because of it. Beth thinks God will never forgive her, and she keeps making things worse by keeping a lie going. One woman told me she was in a similar situation as Beth but God sent four friends to help her get out of it and she ended up marrying one of these people. She said my story had touched her heart in a special way.
Okay, I have had a request from one of the followers of this blog to keep going about my life. I have always thought it would make a good book but never could make myself begin it. It is embarrassing for one thing and even though I believe the Lord wants this to happen, I just don't know how to do this. Prayer support might get me started, but I can't promise anything.
Another person who got the book on-line at Barnes and Noble said they would like to see a sequel. We'll see because I have already started something else.
I'm going to close for now, I've been catching up with e-mail and Face Book for hours now, and my honey needs to be able to spend a little time with me tonight.
Maybe tomorrow,
God bless you my dear family and friends.
On Friday my son, Shawn brought me my new computer and installed all kinds of stuff and now I am up and running again.
Hi Sarah, it's good to see you as a follower. I feel bad that I don't know how to get in contact with you anymore, but we aren't there either. You can leave me a message on Face Book sometime and let me know who I could contact to reach you. I really hoped more people would be able to get my new book from where we used to meet , but it came out about the same time 'the you know what hit the fan.' I think it's a really good book and maybe sometime you could get it and I think it would bless you. I know others have told me it has blessed them and that was the whole plan.
About the book, anyone who reads it will be following the life of a young woman named Beth Hurley. She made one fateful mistake by taking a girlfriends dare and her life was turned upside down for many years because of it. Beth thinks God will never forgive her, and she keeps making things worse by keeping a lie going. One woman told me she was in a similar situation as Beth but God sent four friends to help her get out of it and she ended up marrying one of these people. She said my story had touched her heart in a special way.
Okay, I have had a request from one of the followers of this blog to keep going about my life. I have always thought it would make a good book but never could make myself begin it. It is embarrassing for one thing and even though I believe the Lord wants this to happen, I just don't know how to do this. Prayer support might get me started, but I can't promise anything.
Another person who got the book on-line at Barnes and Noble said they would like to see a sequel. We'll see because I have already started something else.
I'm going to close for now, I've been catching up with e-mail and Face Book for hours now, and my honey needs to be able to spend a little time with me tonight.
Maybe tomorrow,
God bless you my dear family and friends.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Short continuation
Well, I should just shut up and continue with my busy life and forget about babies. Right? Okay, soon. Fifteen months after losing the baby I was pregnant and ecstatically happy. And very, very sick. But nothing unusual. normal pregnancy except I was huge and everyone teased me about having twins. My dad's sister had twins, and John's grandma had twins, so it could have been possible. At a late term doctor appointment, my doctor said she thought she felt two heads. So, I was off to ultrasound, after drinking about a gallon of water. What did they find? One baby. I had about an hour before the test to think about the possibility of two. Three weeks later, Shawn Michael came flying out of the shoot. Don't I wish it was that easy. He weighed 9 lbs.. 2 ozs., a good size little guy. Three years later? I know what you're thinking, no we didn't have any more, but we did become grandparents then. I became a Nana at 36. Well, I could quit right here or go on. So one of my followers better give me some feedback. Please. are you bored or do you want me to continue. That's the story of our seven children and some of how we got started.
Don't forget WHAT'S DONE IS DONE is on website at B&N and I'm going to check now to see if anyone else has it yet. It's a great story, I think you will fall in love with Beth (sooner or later). I would also love for some suggestions about my next novel. Look forward to hearing from some of you about this. Follow along and maybe from time to time, maybe I'll ask for help making the next one as good or better than this one.
Until then dear family and friends,
God Bless all of you.
Don't forget WHAT'S DONE IS DONE is on website at B&N and I'm going to check now to see if anyone else has it yet. It's a great story, I think you will fall in love with Beth (sooner or later). I would also love for some suggestions about my next novel. Look forward to hearing from some of you about this. Follow along and maybe from time to time, maybe I'll ask for help making the next one as good or better than this one.
Until then dear family and friends,
God Bless all of you.
Monday, August 17, 2009
very short
Hi friends,
I am at the library and I don't have much time left. I will write in a day or two. Shawn is planning on bringing out my new computer on Friday. Praise God, I'll be up and running again. Sorry about this short note.
Will return soon.
I am at the library and I don't have much time left. I will write in a day or two. Shawn is planning on bringing out my new computer on Friday. Praise God, I'll be up and running again. Sorry about this short note.
Will return soon.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
No more after Scott, okay,sure.
It's been weeks since I've been on this. I still don't have my own computer back yet, but Shawn says next week I should have everything I need. Probably at the end of the week. But some of you don't know about Shawn yet, do you? Well, I am going to make you wait a little while yet.
The novel is done and it can be ordered on-line at Barnes and Nobles. Just search book title or my name. WHAT'S DONE IS DONE or SUE KELLY. I'm told it will be on Borders website soon too. I also have cards if people want to buy it directly from me. But I would need to know who was interested to send you a card with my info.
We had a couple of very good friends visit from Farmington Il. To make a long story short my friend fell in the motel and broke her arm. I drove them home because the plane trip with those tiny seats wouldn't have been good for her. She was in a lot of pain. I was there a couple of days and they graciously got me a ticket to fly home. So, that is a good part of the reason I have not been writing on this.
I need to leave here soon, so I'll just give you a little taste of what is coming next. After Scott started school I was a happy camper for a couple years, then, yeah you guessed it I was wanting another baby. We agreed that we couldn't afford another one and at the same time agreed that what was one more. So, we soon were expecting again. But this time something was different. I asked my doctor if someone could really be pregnant and not be feeling sick in the beginning and she assured me that a lot of women aren't sick and yes, I really was pregnant. She did say that because this was unusual for me it could be a signal that something was wrong.
Bottom line, at thirteen weeks I had my first and only miscarriage. Boy, that was as bad as delivering a full term baby. The contractions were as hard, but it was over quicker.
Need to close for now.
Goodbye dear friends and family.
The novel is done and it can be ordered on-line at Barnes and Nobles. Just search book title or my name. WHAT'S DONE IS DONE or SUE KELLY. I'm told it will be on Borders website soon too. I also have cards if people want to buy it directly from me. But I would need to know who was interested to send you a card with my info.
We had a couple of very good friends visit from Farmington Il. To make a long story short my friend fell in the motel and broke her arm. I drove them home because the plane trip with those tiny seats wouldn't have been good for her. She was in a lot of pain. I was there a couple of days and they graciously got me a ticket to fly home. So, that is a good part of the reason I have not been writing on this.
I need to leave here soon, so I'll just give you a little taste of what is coming next. After Scott started school I was a happy camper for a couple years, then, yeah you guessed it I was wanting another baby. We agreed that we couldn't afford another one and at the same time agreed that what was one more. So, we soon were expecting again. But this time something was different. I asked my doctor if someone could really be pregnant and not be feeling sick in the beginning and she assured me that a lot of women aren't sick and yes, I really was pregnant. She did say that because this was unusual for me it could be a signal that something was wrong.
Bottom line, at thirteen weeks I had my first and only miscarriage. Boy, that was as bad as delivering a full term baby. The contractions were as hard, but it was over quicker.
Need to close for now.
Goodbye dear friends and family.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Next Page
I promised to tell you more about that night in the hospital with Wayne. So here it is.
I didn't sleep much that night and sometime during the night I just was resting on the bed, and as I looked up at the ceiling I felt like everything in the room and the hallway went dark. All I could see was a bright light that looked like it was was up at the end of a tunnel. Iwas facinated and kept staring at the light. I didn't see anything but the light. Now if this sounds strange to you I don't blame you, but it was there. Finally, I said "God, I'm going to assume this is for me to talk to you. So here is what is on my heart. I might be crazy, but you know I have secretly been thinking about another baby. Now, all I want is for Wayne to be ok. If you will heal him, I will never ask you for another child."
I think most people will try to bargain with God if they are scared enough. Even people who aren't sure they believe He is real. So, I asked, and meant it with all my heart.
The next day we went home after Wayne's tests and went back to a normal life. The following month I found out that I was pregnant. I was a little confused about my feelings for a couple days but then realized I had kept my end of the bargain so I could relax and be happy. I told John on Christmas eve and he was happy too. Our new little one was due to arrive at the beginning of August but he made his entrance on July 28, my birthday. He was another 7 lb. and ? oz. We named him Scott Marshall. What a blessing he was to us. And still is. Well, we're up to six now and I have always said we had the two, John wanted and the four I wanted. Was this perfect or what!
Now, I had my hands full and you can believe that. Our life was very full and my wonderful husband decided to take up a hobby for himself. It was a CB radio. He loved it, and I hated it as much as he loved it. Probably more. All his spare time was spent talking to people on this thing. He did his best to try to get me interested in it but I wanted no part of it. It got worse when he worked nights and came home about 8:30 ish and was on the radio until about an hour before the older kids came home from school, then he went to bed and I had to keep the noise level down so he could sleep untill about 10:30 in the evening so he could eat and go to work. Most of the kids only saw him on his days off. I became more and more depressed, and yes, very angry. This continued for about four years. I tried to go to a christmas party and a picnic with him a couple of times but I couldn't enjoy myself. I think I began to experience some of the old panic attacks I had in school. I just would shake before we got to one of these gatherings. I didn't tell John about these anymore than I told my parents about school. I'm sure if I had told him we would have resolved this radio issue long before we did.
Well my time is up again and so I need to go. My girlfriends are taking me out tonight for my birthday. I have already been out twice this week. First, my boss (and good friend Sharon)and four ladies I work with took both, John and I out to eat. The next night was my(our) birthday and we took Scott out for dinner to celebrate our birthday. Now, tonight one more outing. I feel pretty special. Thank you for all the birthday wishes they were sent to me from facebook.
Goodbye dear friends and loving family.
I didn't sleep much that night and sometime during the night I just was resting on the bed, and as I looked up at the ceiling I felt like everything in the room and the hallway went dark. All I could see was a bright light that looked like it was was up at the end of a tunnel. Iwas facinated and kept staring at the light. I didn't see anything but the light. Now if this sounds strange to you I don't blame you, but it was there. Finally, I said "God, I'm going to assume this is for me to talk to you. So here is what is on my heart. I might be crazy, but you know I have secretly been thinking about another baby. Now, all I want is for Wayne to be ok. If you will heal him, I will never ask you for another child."
I think most people will try to bargain with God if they are scared enough. Even people who aren't sure they believe He is real. So, I asked, and meant it with all my heart.
The next day we went home after Wayne's tests and went back to a normal life. The following month I found out that I was pregnant. I was a little confused about my feelings for a couple days but then realized I had kept my end of the bargain so I could relax and be happy. I told John on Christmas eve and he was happy too. Our new little one was due to arrive at the beginning of August but he made his entrance on July 28, my birthday. He was another 7 lb. and ? oz. We named him Scott Marshall. What a blessing he was to us. And still is. Well, we're up to six now and I have always said we had the two, John wanted and the four I wanted. Was this perfect or what!
Now, I had my hands full and you can believe that. Our life was very full and my wonderful husband decided to take up a hobby for himself. It was a CB radio. He loved it, and I hated it as much as he loved it. Probably more. All his spare time was spent talking to people on this thing. He did his best to try to get me interested in it but I wanted no part of it. It got worse when he worked nights and came home about 8:30 ish and was on the radio until about an hour before the older kids came home from school, then he went to bed and I had to keep the noise level down so he could sleep untill about 10:30 in the evening so he could eat and go to work. Most of the kids only saw him on his days off. I became more and more depressed, and yes, very angry. This continued for about four years. I tried to go to a christmas party and a picnic with him a couple of times but I couldn't enjoy myself. I think I began to experience some of the old panic attacks I had in school. I just would shake before we got to one of these gatherings. I didn't tell John about these anymore than I told my parents about school. I'm sure if I had told him we would have resolved this radio issue long before we did.
Well my time is up again and so I need to go. My girlfriends are taking me out tonight for my birthday. I have already been out twice this week. First, my boss (and good friend Sharon)and four ladies I work with took both, John and I out to eat. The next night was my(our) birthday and we took Scott out for dinner to celebrate our birthday. Now, tonight one more outing. I feel pretty special. Thank you for all the birthday wishes they were sent to me from facebook.
Goodbye dear friends and loving family.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
What is next?
Wow. It seems like forever since I've been on here. My new computer will be here next week and then Shawn is adding some programs for me, so that will take a little extra time. I know that he does work a full time job, takes care of three little ones on the nights that Lesley works and has a life of his own. But he still finds time to do this for me? My kids are grown, but everyone of them are so good to me. I don't deserve all they do for me. At the same time, I really appreciate it.
Now, for the novel information. They are sending an express copy to me to review, again, for printer errors. I think it should be here tomorrow or the next day. If it is okay. I'll call them and they can start printing some for me. I'll be giving everyone I can a business card, so you can order from me. I think I'll be able to give local people a break by delivering to them and then they will not have the shipping and handling fee which is pretty high. If you want to order it from Barnes and Nobel they give a discount and a smaller S&H fee. My card will just give my information. Actually, having this virus problem with my computer I might be a little gun shy about opening e-mail from people I don't know. My phone number will be on it, but you won't find anyone before 10 am. You can leave a message and I can get back to you at a convenient time for you. I'm guessing I will have some books about the same time as I get my new computer. Now I am getting excited. I will keep the blog going about my life but I need to get people a little familiar with what the story is about also.
Today, we'll continue. When Wayne was 8 months old, I picked him up from his crib and there was a small amount of blood on the sheet and in his mouth. So, off to the hospital we went. He was kept overnight for observation. They even brought in a hospital bed for me. I couldn't hold him because he had an IV in his foot and they didn't want it moved very much. I think he would have moved it less if I had held him, but I was worried so I listened to the doctors. They had a meeting with John, and I, and said whatever it was, it could be very serious. They were calling in a ear,nose and throat specialist to see him in the morning. Our pediatrician wasn't worried, she said a small capillary in the back of his throat probably burst. No big deal. Long story short, she was right, but he did have to get an upper GI and an exam which was not pleasant when the doctor shoved his fingers into his little mouth and then up into the back of his nose. I can still see it in my mind. I have to go now and I really want to keep going and tell you about that night in the hospital. What a great experience I had. I guess it will have to wait till tomorrow.
I have a friend in the hospital who had major surgery today and I know of a teen (girl) who is in very bad condition from an accident so if you read this and believe in prayer please keep these two in your prayers for healing.
God Bless dear family and friends.
Now, for the novel information. They are sending an express copy to me to review, again, for printer errors. I think it should be here tomorrow or the next day. If it is okay. I'll call them and they can start printing some for me. I'll be giving everyone I can a business card, so you can order from me. I think I'll be able to give local people a break by delivering to them and then they will not have the shipping and handling fee which is pretty high. If you want to order it from Barnes and Nobel they give a discount and a smaller S&H fee. My card will just give my information. Actually, having this virus problem with my computer I might be a little gun shy about opening e-mail from people I don't know. My phone number will be on it, but you won't find anyone before 10 am. You can leave a message and I can get back to you at a convenient time for you. I'm guessing I will have some books about the same time as I get my new computer. Now I am getting excited. I will keep the blog going about my life but I need to get people a little familiar with what the story is about also.
Today, we'll continue. When Wayne was 8 months old, I picked him up from his crib and there was a small amount of blood on the sheet and in his mouth. So, off to the hospital we went. He was kept overnight for observation. They even brought in a hospital bed for me. I couldn't hold him because he had an IV in his foot and they didn't want it moved very much. I think he would have moved it less if I had held him, but I was worried so I listened to the doctors. They had a meeting with John, and I, and said whatever it was, it could be very serious. They were calling in a ear,nose and throat specialist to see him in the morning. Our pediatrician wasn't worried, she said a small capillary in the back of his throat probably burst. No big deal. Long story short, she was right, but he did have to get an upper GI and an exam which was not pleasant when the doctor shoved his fingers into his little mouth and then up into the back of his nose. I can still see it in my mind. I have to go now and I really want to keep going and tell you about that night in the hospital. What a great experience I had. I guess it will have to wait till tomorrow.
I have a friend in the hospital who had major surgery today and I know of a teen (girl) who is in very bad condition from an accident so if you read this and believe in prayer please keep these two in your prayers for healing.
God Bless dear family and friends.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
6 am ?
It really can not be that I have been awake since 6 this morning. Can it? Well, I really have been and since about 6:30 I started thinking about what I would write for you all today. I went over in my mind where to pick up from yesterday because I'm not comfortable with the coming home day. After praying about it, I have decided that it's not that it was a bad day, actually it was a great day, but a very private one in my mind. Now, I know Todd remembers some of it but I'm not sure about Bob, but Mary and Ginny were too young. In fact Virginia was only about nine months old. So if any of my kids, even the ones who came later, want to know, they only have to ask and I'll go over the day with them. But I feel for the general reader not related, I'd like to keep that part private. Maybe I'll change my mind later, you never know.
The first five months we lived with my mom and dad. John went to work for my dad in his construction company, but he found another job in about three weeks. My dad was a hard person to work for. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and worked right along with his men but he wanted everything perfect. It is very hard to work for someone like that. My brother even had to quit because he could never please Dad. Being the boss's son, RT had to be above the others, and he couldn't live up to Dad's expectations of him.
I started talking to John about the fact that we cheated our families, especially the grandparents of being around when I was expecting and being at the hospital when I was in labor and holding their newborn grandchild. It took some convincing on my part, but we finally decided that one more wasn't going to be a big deal. So about 15 months after we came home, we had another little boy. I went into labor on my mother-in-laws birthday but I was so tired I just took a nap and the contractions stopped. I remember watching a movie at my parents house. We had rented a house in Avon then. But decided to come into Henrietta to be closer to the hospital. When the movie was over my dad said, "I'm going to bed, you're not having that kid tonight." But at midnight the pains started again and at 4:35 the next morning I delivered a 8 lb. ? oz. baby boy. We named him Wayne Patrick.
I was not well at all the first few months, and not being around me for the others, my mom and John's were whispering about the fact that I probably wouldn't carry this baby for long. I did and he was perfect. Still is. That's just for you angel baby!
Before I quit for the day, I want to tell you that I am getting a new computer. One of my two computer savy sons has found one for me and is ordering it today. Thank you Shawn Sr.,my honeyson.
Until next time dear friends and family,
Goodbye and God Bless you all.
The first five months we lived with my mom and dad. John went to work for my dad in his construction company, but he found another job in about three weeks. My dad was a hard person to work for. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and worked right along with his men but he wanted everything perfect. It is very hard to work for someone like that. My brother even had to quit because he could never please Dad. Being the boss's son, RT had to be above the others, and he couldn't live up to Dad's expectations of him.
I started talking to John about the fact that we cheated our families, especially the grandparents of being around when I was expecting and being at the hospital when I was in labor and holding their newborn grandchild. It took some convincing on my part, but we finally decided that one more wasn't going to be a big deal. So about 15 months after we came home, we had another little boy. I went into labor on my mother-in-laws birthday but I was so tired I just took a nap and the contractions stopped. I remember watching a movie at my parents house. We had rented a house in Avon then. But decided to come into Henrietta to be closer to the hospital. When the movie was over my dad said, "I'm going to bed, you're not having that kid tonight." But at midnight the pains started again and at 4:35 the next morning I delivered a 8 lb. ? oz. baby boy. We named him Wayne Patrick.
I was not well at all the first few months, and not being around me for the others, my mom and John's were whispering about the fact that I probably wouldn't carry this baby for long. I did and he was perfect. Still is. That's just for you angel baby!
Before I quit for the day, I want to tell you that I am getting a new computer. One of my two computer savy sons has found one for me and is ordering it today. Thank you Shawn Sr.,my honeyson.
Until next time dear friends and family,
Goodbye and God Bless you all.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
What's next?
I only have a few minutes left on the library computer, so I don't know what to write in that short time.
I found out the hold-up on getting the novel out was a mix-up in geting the information mailed to me. It is frustrating for me but I should have the info. by tomorrow, and hope to mail it back the same day. So, maybe it wil be a couple more weeks yet. I started writing this in 2003 and I used tablet and pen at first. Then went to a typewriter, then got an old computer that had microsoft word on. I got so discouraged at times that I wouldn't write for months. I had myself convinced that it was impossible. Then, when I couldn't remember correct grammar, high school was quite a while ago, I got depressed and wouldn't continue. Finally I realized I had a good story anyway and I was going to try to finish it. So I think you will enjoy it.
Sorry my time is up and I have to get off the computer so my personal history will have to wait.
Have a great day and God Bless.
I found out the hold-up on getting the novel out was a mix-up in geting the information mailed to me. It is frustrating for me but I should have the info. by tomorrow, and hope to mail it back the same day. So, maybe it wil be a couple more weeks yet. I started writing this in 2003 and I used tablet and pen at first. Then went to a typewriter, then got an old computer that had microsoft word on. I got so discouraged at times that I wouldn't write for months. I had myself convinced that it was impossible. Then, when I couldn't remember correct grammar, high school was quite a while ago, I got depressed and wouldn't continue. Finally I realized I had a good story anyway and I was going to try to finish it. So I think you will enjoy it.
Sorry my time is up and I have to get off the computer so my personal history will have to wait.
Have a great day and God Bless.
Monday, July 20, 2009
I read your comment Sarah, thanks.
Now for everyone, I am going to try to get on a computer and keep this going but I need a need computer. Apparently I have a virus in mine.
Before I get back to my life, I would like to tell you more of why I started this blog. As I briefly stated in an earlier blog, I have written an christian based novel and it's about to come out. The only problem is, it has a couple of printer issues and the publishing company is going to try to get them fixed before anyone buys it. It's already on a website for Barnes and Noble, but you don't want that one because it's the one that needs fixing a little. I'll let you know when the corrected book is out. I also received my business cards today. If anyone tried my email address I wouldn't get it right away, so just be patient a little while. Believe me I'll be shouting on this and everywhere I can when I have it in my cold little hands. I am currently in the library and they only allow you an hour on the computers. It's cold in here and my hands are freezing.
Now for the time I have left, I'll try to give you a update from the last time. A couple of years after Mary we had a new bundle of joy. Another girl. Wow, God is so good. Now, I wanted four children and John wanted two. So, either we were over his original plan, or as far as I was concerned we were right on target. Another 7 lbs, 2or 3 ozs. We named her after John's biological mother who passed away when he was in his early teens. Her name is Virginia. We didn't know his mother's middle name at the time so we named her Virginia Heather. We just came from visiting her because she lives in Tennessee. Boy, do I miss her.
"Gin, if you are reading this, Dad called to tell me your good news. Give me a call tonight and let me know how how it went and what you decided."
I need to get off this, but I look forward to moving forward with more information tomorrow if I can.
Goodbye dear friends and family.
Now for everyone, I am going to try to get on a computer and keep this going but I need a need computer. Apparently I have a virus in mine.
Before I get back to my life, I would like to tell you more of why I started this blog. As I briefly stated in an earlier blog, I have written an christian based novel and it's about to come out. The only problem is, it has a couple of printer issues and the publishing company is going to try to get them fixed before anyone buys it. It's already on a website for Barnes and Noble, but you don't want that one because it's the one that needs fixing a little. I'll let you know when the corrected book is out. I also received my business cards today. If anyone tried my email address I wouldn't get it right away, so just be patient a little while. Believe me I'll be shouting on this and everywhere I can when I have it in my cold little hands. I am currently in the library and they only allow you an hour on the computers. It's cold in here and my hands are freezing.
Now for the time I have left, I'll try to give you a update from the last time. A couple of years after Mary we had a new bundle of joy. Another girl. Wow, God is so good. Now, I wanted four children and John wanted two. So, either we were over his original plan, or as far as I was concerned we were right on target. Another 7 lbs, 2or 3 ozs. We named her after John's biological mother who passed away when he was in his early teens. Her name is Virginia. We didn't know his mother's middle name at the time so we named her Virginia Heather. We just came from visiting her because she lives in Tennessee. Boy, do I miss her.
"Gin, if you are reading this, Dad called to tell me your good news. Give me a call tonight and let me know how how it went and what you decided."
I need to get off this, but I look forward to moving forward with more information tomorrow if I can.
Goodbye dear friends and family.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Just a little tonight
It already late and I'm just starting? But I don't know if I will be able to work on this tomorrow at all because my son, Shawn is going to be installing a new program for me, and who knows
what will make this a longer process that he is expecting it to be.
I'm going to add a few things here. Continuing with Mary. When she was 8 months old she woke from a nap with a temperature of 106. Yeah, 106. We rushed her to the hospital and they decided that she had roseola and it was very common. When the high fever went down she would break out in a rash they said. Back then parents weren't allowed to stay in the hospital, so we went home concerned but not overwhelmed. After all the doctor said we could take her home the next day. We didn't have a phone, but when I stopped to drop the boys off at a friends house the doctor had called there and needed to talk to us immediately. He told my friend Betty that he didn't realize the night before that it seemed to hurt her when she was moved but he noticed it when he checked her early in the morning. They immediately did a spinal tap and said our little girl had spinal meningitis and was in very serious condition. The first couple of days we weren't allowed to even pick her up. They said she was in too much pain. One evening the night nurse came to us and said she always rocked her when she was on shift because she needed human touch. You have no idea how I felt when I, her mother couldn't hold her but a nurse could. I determined the that I was going to hold her no matter what anyone said. After a few days we were allowed to go in her room without the mask and gown because she didn't have the kind that was contagious.
A few days after we took her home she broke out in spots. Guess what, yes she had the chicken pocks and she was exposed that first night in the hospital when she was in a ward, and not a private room.
Okay, I hope to get back to this tomorrow night. We'll see. Guess what comes next. It comes wrapped in pink.
Untill then, God Bless you all.
what will make this a longer process that he is expecting it to be.
I'm going to add a few things here. Continuing with Mary. When she was 8 months old she woke from a nap with a temperature of 106. Yeah, 106. We rushed her to the hospital and they decided that she had roseola and it was very common. When the high fever went down she would break out in a rash they said. Back then parents weren't allowed to stay in the hospital, so we went home concerned but not overwhelmed. After all the doctor said we could take her home the next day. We didn't have a phone, but when I stopped to drop the boys off at a friends house the doctor had called there and needed to talk to us immediately. He told my friend Betty that he didn't realize the night before that it seemed to hurt her when she was moved but he noticed it when he checked her early in the morning. They immediately did a spinal tap and said our little girl had spinal meningitis and was in very serious condition. The first couple of days we weren't allowed to even pick her up. They said she was in too much pain. One evening the night nurse came to us and said she always rocked her when she was on shift because she needed human touch. You have no idea how I felt when I, her mother couldn't hold her but a nurse could. I determined the that I was going to hold her no matter what anyone said. After a few days we were allowed to go in her room without the mask and gown because she didn't have the kind that was contagious.
A few days after we took her home she broke out in spots. Guess what, yes she had the chicken pocks and she was exposed that first night in the hospital when she was in a ward, and not a private room.
Okay, I hope to get back to this tomorrow night. We'll see. Guess what comes next. It comes wrapped in pink.
Untill then, God Bless you all.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's a girl
I need a cup of tea. A nice calming flavor, something with spearmint or peppermint in it. But while the water is heating, let's get busy with today's contuining saga of the life of Sue Eury Kelly.
I know you have already guessed by the title, another baby was on the way. Well, you see Todd and Bobby were now busy little campers and I needed to feel the comfort of a newborn in my arms again. I know I could have just gone to work at a day care or something but I wanted to be a stay at home Mom and take care of my own kids. I'm not criticizing mothers who have to work but, I personally didn't want to miss that first step, word or any of the firsts that working mother's miss. Excited to be expecting again, even if it was another boy, I wasn't looking forward to the first three or four months when I felt so sick.
At five months I fell down a flight of stairs. Yeah, all fourteen of them. After checking to make sure the boys were covered at four or five in the morning, I went into the bathroom and when I came out I took a wrong turn and walked off the first step and down and down I kept tumbling. You see I had reversed my routine, I usually went to the bathroom then check the boys. My hands and arms were all scraped up. I had used them to keep from getting any injuries near my belly.
Now I lay curled up in a ball at the bottom of the stairs, trying to call for John through my pain. A couple of minutes later he came rushing down the stairs. He practically carried me back up to bed and asked if I needed to go to the hospital and I said, "No, I just scraped my arms and hands and they hurt real bad." He told me that he must have heard me falling but he thought he was having a dream. Even when I first called for him he thought it was a dream and then he realized it wasn't. I did end up going to get checked by my doctor that afternoon. He said the baby was fine. But after she was born, and I had my check-up, he told me he had been pretty sure that I would lose the baby. I'm so glad he didn't tell me that at the time.
In December our first little girl was born. I was awake and when the doctor said it was a girl, I could hardly believe it. With all the things we had done wrong, how could God bless us with a girl after our two cute little boys? I quickly asked if she was breathing and if she was alright. He said yes. But I was still not convinced. I had been waiting for God to bring us some great, terribly horrific thing into our lives to punish us. "Why isn't she crying, aren't they suppose to cry?"I was not awake when the boys were born so I didn't know what they had done.
I heard the doctor say," I'm sorry about this little girl but your mama wants to hear you cry." Then I heard this noise as he smacked her tiny bottom and she let out the biggest scream. What a set of lung she had. I should never had told her this story because now she never let's me
forget that I allowed someone to hit her when she was just a couple of minutes old. Then she laughs.
We named her Mary Louise after my mom. She was 7 lbs. and 2 or 3 ozs. Four of our babies weighed the same at birth.
Well, I'm working tonight so I've got to get some things done first, like preparing a supper that my honey can just heat up. He never complains. Most of the time he cooks and brings my food to the computer where he usually finds me. Oh, that reminds me, I have never told you why I started this blog. I have written a novel. And I wanted to tell you all about it and get your interest up to read it. But I felt that background on me was important first. As for the book, it's ready except for a couple of printer glitches that the company is going to fix.
Have a great day and may God Bless you.
I know you have already guessed by the title, another baby was on the way. Well, you see Todd and Bobby were now busy little campers and I needed to feel the comfort of a newborn in my arms again. I know I could have just gone to work at a day care or something but I wanted to be a stay at home Mom and take care of my own kids. I'm not criticizing mothers who have to work but, I personally didn't want to miss that first step, word or any of the firsts that working mother's miss. Excited to be expecting again, even if it was another boy, I wasn't looking forward to the first three or four months when I felt so sick.
At five months I fell down a flight of stairs. Yeah, all fourteen of them. After checking to make sure the boys were covered at four or five in the morning, I went into the bathroom and when I came out I took a wrong turn and walked off the first step and down and down I kept tumbling. You see I had reversed my routine, I usually went to the bathroom then check the boys. My hands and arms were all scraped up. I had used them to keep from getting any injuries near my belly.
Now I lay curled up in a ball at the bottom of the stairs, trying to call for John through my pain. A couple of minutes later he came rushing down the stairs. He practically carried me back up to bed and asked if I needed to go to the hospital and I said, "No, I just scraped my arms and hands and they hurt real bad." He told me that he must have heard me falling but he thought he was having a dream. Even when I first called for him he thought it was a dream and then he realized it wasn't. I did end up going to get checked by my doctor that afternoon. He said the baby was fine. But after she was born, and I had my check-up, he told me he had been pretty sure that I would lose the baby. I'm so glad he didn't tell me that at the time.
In December our first little girl was born. I was awake and when the doctor said it was a girl, I could hardly believe it. With all the things we had done wrong, how could God bless us with a girl after our two cute little boys? I quickly asked if she was breathing and if she was alright. He said yes. But I was still not convinced. I had been waiting for God to bring us some great, terribly horrific thing into our lives to punish us. "Why isn't she crying, aren't they suppose to cry?"I was not awake when the boys were born so I didn't know what they had done.
I heard the doctor say," I'm sorry about this little girl but your mama wants to hear you cry." Then I heard this noise as he smacked her tiny bottom and she let out the biggest scream. What a set of lung she had. I should never had told her this story because now she never let's me
forget that I allowed someone to hit her when she was just a couple of minutes old. Then she laughs.
We named her Mary Louise after my mom. She was 7 lbs. and 2 or 3 ozs. Four of our babies weighed the same at birth.
Well, I'm working tonight so I've got to get some things done first, like preparing a supper that my honey can just heat up. He never complains. Most of the time he cooks and brings my food to the computer where he usually finds me. Oh, that reminds me, I have never told you why I started this blog. I have written a novel. And I wanted to tell you all about it and get your interest up to read it. But I felt that background on me was important first. As for the book, it's ready except for a couple of printer glitches that the company is going to fix.
Have a great day and may God Bless you.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Good afternoon my friends. When I first start I never know exactly where I'm going. Today is a little different because I have to go to work this afternoon, so I don't have a lot of time to spend with you. I hope my friend, Sharon has found her way here to this blog.
So on with my life. The life we live day to day becomes our life just because it's what we are living. It even becomes who we are or at least who we think we are. I'm having a problem getting started today because I know my time is limited. So please bear with me.
Fifteen months after we left home (you notice I never use the word ran away from home, because then I start focusing on the hurt I brought to my family) I gave birth to our first son. Oh, how excited we were. We named him Todd Michael and he came along three days late. He was so small only 6 lbs. 7 ozs. He was our joy. But when he started walking and became a toddler I longed for another infant. So Bobby joined our family a couple years later. While I was pregnant for Bob I kept wondering how I could love another child as much as I loved Todd, but I soon found out that each child is so unique that parents are given a special but different love for each. We named him Robert John and he was three weeks early and was 7 lbs. 2 or 3 ozs. Can't remember which. I was so sick at six months I ended up in the hospital with an infection and I stayed there for 6 days. The only reason they allowed me to go home then was my temp. had been normal for 24 hrs. We had no health insurance, so we sturggled with a large hospital bill then. I'm so sorry I have to quit when I feel like I am on a roll but I've got to get ready for work. So hopefully, tomorrow I'll be back with more.
Goodafternoon dear family and friends.
So on with my life. The life we live day to day becomes our life just because it's what we are living. It even becomes who we are or at least who we think we are. I'm having a problem getting started today because I know my time is limited. So please bear with me.
Fifteen months after we left home (you notice I never use the word ran away from home, because then I start focusing on the hurt I brought to my family) I gave birth to our first son. Oh, how excited we were. We named him Todd Michael and he came along three days late. He was so small only 6 lbs. 7 ozs. He was our joy. But when he started walking and became a toddler I longed for another infant. So Bobby joined our family a couple years later. While I was pregnant for Bob I kept wondering how I could love another child as much as I loved Todd, but I soon found out that each child is so unique that parents are given a special but different love for each. We named him Robert John and he was three weeks early and was 7 lbs. 2 or 3 ozs. Can't remember which. I was so sick at six months I ended up in the hospital with an infection and I stayed there for 6 days. The only reason they allowed me to go home then was my temp. had been normal for 24 hrs. We had no health insurance, so we sturggled with a large hospital bill then. I'm so sorry I have to quit when I feel like I am on a roll but I've got to get ready for work. So hopefully, tomorrow I'll be back with more.
Goodafternoon dear family and friends.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Teen Years and more
Okay, I promised to tell you about how I met the love of my life at 14. This isn't going to be easy and will just hit the highlights, at least for now.
I somehow loosened up a little and made a few friends. At 10 yrs. old I accepted Christ as my Savior in my bedroom on a Saturday night. Just me and Him. By the time I was 13 I had put him on a shelf and didn't think much about him unless I needed something. Then I would pray and go to church with my grandmother and cousins for a while.
When I was in jr. high, I became friends with a very nice girl. She was also very pretty. We would talk in the lunch line and she seemed to like me. The only problem was, she had very bad breath. Not just once in a while but everyday. I couldn't stand it so I began to turn away a little when she talked to me, and after a few days she stopped getting in line by me. She probably thought I was a jerk or stuck-up or whatever. I'm not sure. But the point is that when we got into high school she started running with a bunch of very wild kids. Strange as it sounds, I think God used her bad b reath to get me away from her, because if we remained good friends I could have been caught up in the wrong crowd of people.
Anyway, now I'm in high school and one evening this guy who had a crush on me came over and brought a new guy who had just moved in a couple of houses away from me. I thought he was nice. This was a couple weeks before Christmas break and another friend of mine, her name was Marilyn asked me about him because she knew he lived near me. She thought he was real cute and asked me if I would put in a good word for her during vacation. I said yes. But much to her surprise and the buz of our class was, that the day we returned to school I was wearing his ring around my neck. Ya, if you know me you know his name was John Kelly. And the first time he kissed me was in his parents living room (they weren't home) on Christmas Eve.
Now this is the hard part and it won't be long. We dated for one and a half yrs. and during this time his mom took a severe dislike to me. I think we finally decided it was a mis-understanding (but this was years later). He was forbidden to see me at all. But obviously we managed to get together and go for walks in the evening at least once or twice a week. I must add this was due to a couple of our friends helping him get out of the house for some different reason or another. He was taken out of school and had to live with his grandmother because we had time to see each other at school also. We both cried when they moved him, but I saw him more than ever because he would hitchike out to see me a couple times a week. My mom usually drove him back to his grandparents house in the city. She sould say I can't drive him back again because I have to work in the am or it's too far, but she always gave in on her own and took him because she wanted him to be safe.
This is the end for tonight so listen up. We were able to get out with some friends on a Saturday night and expected to be home by 11pm at the latest. Due to our friends car breaking down and it getting so late, we were afraid to go home. No cell phones then. Skipping some info. for now because it would take too much time and this is very hard for me. What came next hurt my parents and his to their core. Don't anybody do this, please. The next time we saw our families face to face was 7 and 1/2 years later. This was another of God's nudgings. They had absoultly no news about us during that time. But for the grace fo God, we could have been turned away but instead were welcomed with open arms. Yes, Todd, Bob, Mary, and Virginia, you came home with us. The other three came later. Ginny was just a baby then. Wayne, Scott, and Shawn, were born in Rochester with grandparents very near to spoil them.
I am emotionally whipped. Life exposed for all who read this, even people we will never meet.
Goodnight, dear friends and family.
I somehow loosened up a little and made a few friends. At 10 yrs. old I accepted Christ as my Savior in my bedroom on a Saturday night. Just me and Him. By the time I was 13 I had put him on a shelf and didn't think much about him unless I needed something. Then I would pray and go to church with my grandmother and cousins for a while.
When I was in jr. high, I became friends with a very nice girl. She was also very pretty. We would talk in the lunch line and she seemed to like me. The only problem was, she had very bad breath. Not just once in a while but everyday. I couldn't stand it so I began to turn away a little when she talked to me, and after a few days she stopped getting in line by me. She probably thought I was a jerk or stuck-up or whatever. I'm not sure. But the point is that when we got into high school she started running with a bunch of very wild kids. Strange as it sounds, I think God used her bad b reath to get me away from her, because if we remained good friends I could have been caught up in the wrong crowd of people.
Anyway, now I'm in high school and one evening this guy who had a crush on me came over and brought a new guy who had just moved in a couple of houses away from me. I thought he was nice. This was a couple weeks before Christmas break and another friend of mine, her name was Marilyn asked me about him because she knew he lived near me. She thought he was real cute and asked me if I would put in a good word for her during vacation. I said yes. But much to her surprise and the buz of our class was, that the day we returned to school I was wearing his ring around my neck. Ya, if you know me you know his name was John Kelly. And the first time he kissed me was in his parents living room (they weren't home) on Christmas Eve.
Now this is the hard part and it won't be long. We dated for one and a half yrs. and during this time his mom took a severe dislike to me. I think we finally decided it was a mis-understanding (but this was years later). He was forbidden to see me at all. But obviously we managed to get together and go for walks in the evening at least once or twice a week. I must add this was due to a couple of our friends helping him get out of the house for some different reason or another. He was taken out of school and had to live with his grandmother because we had time to see each other at school also. We both cried when they moved him, but I saw him more than ever because he would hitchike out to see me a couple times a week. My mom usually drove him back to his grandparents house in the city. She sould say I can't drive him back again because I have to work in the am or it's too far, but she always gave in on her own and took him because she wanted him to be safe.
This is the end for tonight so listen up. We were able to get out with some friends on a Saturday night and expected to be home by 11pm at the latest. Due to our friends car breaking down and it getting so late, we were afraid to go home. No cell phones then. Skipping some info. for now because it would take too much time and this is very hard for me. What came next hurt my parents and his to their core. Don't anybody do this, please. The next time we saw our families face to face was 7 and 1/2 years later. This was another of God's nudgings. They had absoultly no news about us during that time. But for the grace fo God, we could have been turned away but instead were welcomed with open arms. Yes, Todd, Bob, Mary, and Virginia, you came home with us. The other three came later. Ginny was just a baby then. Wayne, Scott, and Shawn, were born in Rochester with grandparents very near to spoil them.
I am emotionally whipped. Life exposed for all who read this, even people we will never meet.
Goodnight, dear friends and family.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I think I always have had a vivid imagination. From the time I was 6-10 yrs. old I was happy playing by myself with my imaginary friends. I was always the cowgirl and I had the hat, skirt and vest to prove it. Not to mention my double holster that held my two guns. Then there were the boots also. Now,I don't mean to say that I didn't have friends to play with because I did, but when they weren't around I was just as happy.
I took tap dancing lessons and baton twirling lessons for 2-3 yrs. I loved it. Besides, my best friend Joannie took them with me. We had to perform on stage at the Ballantyne school a couple of times too. I was also in a baton twirling contest a couple of times.
In first grade I was on stage getting ready to practice for a play, I heard my teacher say something to another teacher like " does her neck look swollen on the one side to you?" Next thing I knew I was off to visit the doctor who confirmed I had the mumps. That same year I had my tonsils out and the day after I came home from the hospital the doctor came to the house and told my mom that I had pneumonia. As a result I missed a lot of first grade.
I remember asking for a pony every year for a long time. I asked at Christmas, Easter, my birthday or any time I thought I could get away with it. One summer evening when I was about 5, my mom and dad and I took a ride after dark and before I knew it my dad stopped and was talking to a man who gave pony rides. Soon we all were out of the car following this man and his flashlight into a dark field where we saw one brown pony, one black and white pony and a grayish colored one. Then we went back home. I found out that the man was selling them and my daddy was looking to buy one for me. It turned out we didn't have any place to keep it so that's as close as I got to having my own pony. Before I close this story about a pony, I do what to say that when I was married and had a houseful of kids we did buy a horse. A very large horse. We had him for a year or two. Do you know how much it costs to feed a horse that stands 16hands tall? A LOT!
At the age of six I received a baby brother. He was named Roger after my dad but with different middle names so he wasn't a junior. Soon after that we moved into a house from an apartment that my grandpa had built onto their house for us. Now we move ahead a few years, so read on.
I had the shock of my life when my new school turned out to be huge compared to the one I just spent five yrs. in. I was so scared everyday. I began having anxiety attacks but I didn't know what they were then. I was afraid I would forget my locker combination even though I had it written down, because I might lose the paper I wrote it on. I was fearful of forgetting how to get to my class from the cafeteria or from the gym. Half way through the year a new school opened near my house and it went through grade six and I loved it there. You see I could walk. The big school was farther away and I had to take a school bus. I was shy and that made it harder to make friends. I was so scared to get on the big yellow bus. Looking back it sounds like how a kindergartner would feel. The worse part was no one understood how I felt because I didn't tell anyone. My brother was just starting school and my mom had a job that practically fell into her lap in the office at the huge school I had been in and would be going back to next year. I didn't want to upset her so I suffered in silence. My dad owned his own construction company and was busy and not home till late so I couldn't tell him either.
Now I'm back in the huge school and the same old fears came flying back at me. The only good part was my mom was still working at the school except she transferred from the office to the music dept., you see my mom was the best piano player in the world. Others would disagree but I don't care she was the best to me. Her sister would always say "music is Mary's life except for her family".
Next time I'll tell you how I met the love of my life at age 14. Thanks for listening my new friends.
God Bless
I took tap dancing lessons and baton twirling lessons for 2-3 yrs. I loved it. Besides, my best friend Joannie took them with me. We had to perform on stage at the Ballantyne school a couple of times too. I was also in a baton twirling contest a couple of times.
In first grade I was on stage getting ready to practice for a play, I heard my teacher say something to another teacher like " does her neck look swollen on the one side to you?" Next thing I knew I was off to visit the doctor who confirmed I had the mumps. That same year I had my tonsils out and the day after I came home from the hospital the doctor came to the house and told my mom that I had pneumonia. As a result I missed a lot of first grade.
I remember asking for a pony every year for a long time. I asked at Christmas, Easter, my birthday or any time I thought I could get away with it. One summer evening when I was about 5, my mom and dad and I took a ride after dark and before I knew it my dad stopped and was talking to a man who gave pony rides. Soon we all were out of the car following this man and his flashlight into a dark field where we saw one brown pony, one black and white pony and a grayish colored one. Then we went back home. I found out that the man was selling them and my daddy was looking to buy one for me. It turned out we didn't have any place to keep it so that's as close as I got to having my own pony. Before I close this story about a pony, I do what to say that when I was married and had a houseful of kids we did buy a horse. A very large horse. We had him for a year or two. Do you know how much it costs to feed a horse that stands 16hands tall? A LOT!
At the age of six I received a baby brother. He was named Roger after my dad but with different middle names so he wasn't a junior. Soon after that we moved into a house from an apartment that my grandpa had built onto their house for us. Now we move ahead a few years, so read on.
I had the shock of my life when my new school turned out to be huge compared to the one I just spent five yrs. in. I was so scared everyday. I began having anxiety attacks but I didn't know what they were then. I was afraid I would forget my locker combination even though I had it written down, because I might lose the paper I wrote it on. I was fearful of forgetting how to get to my class from the cafeteria or from the gym. Half way through the year a new school opened near my house and it went through grade six and I loved it there. You see I could walk. The big school was farther away and I had to take a school bus. I was shy and that made it harder to make friends. I was so scared to get on the big yellow bus. Looking back it sounds like how a kindergartner would feel. The worse part was no one understood how I felt because I didn't tell anyone. My brother was just starting school and my mom had a job that practically fell into her lap in the office at the huge school I had been in and would be going back to next year. I didn't want to upset her so I suffered in silence. My dad owned his own construction company and was busy and not home till late so I couldn't tell him either.
Now I'm back in the huge school and the same old fears came flying back at me. The only good part was my mom was still working at the school except she transferred from the office to the music dept., you see my mom was the best piano player in the world. Others would disagree but I don't care she was the best to me. Her sister would always say "music is Mary's life except for her family".
Next time I'll tell you how I met the love of my life at age 14. Thanks for listening my new friends.
God Bless
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