Saturday, November 14, 2009

Response to questions

Good afternoon everyone. Today I'm going to give answers to some questions I've been asked about the sequel. These questions will be answered to the best of my knowledge at this time. Any or all of them could change with the writing process. This is my disclaimer. Let's get started.

Questions: When will the sequel be out?
Do you have a title yet?
Will you be adding new characters? If so how many? Will all the old characters from "What's Done is Done" be in the new book?
Are you going to keep Courtney in the sequel, and if so, will she continue to have seizures?
You say that you have started this sequel, do you have all of you story line figured out yet?
What about Dora? Will she be in the sequel?

Answers: Wow, so many thing could make this answer impossible. Like re-writing, editing, how fast the story gets from my brain to the paper. Time issues. I do have a desire to have it out by summer, 2010. Now that we are almost to the middle of November, I wonder if that is going to be possible but "nothing is impossible with God." This is a direct quote from his word. I will do my best and the rest is up to Him.

No, I don't have a title yet. Suggestions can be sent to me at: kellysevens@aol.com.

Yes, at this time I have three new people and they will have major parts in the sequel.
Most the the original people will put in an appearance sometime.

Courtney will be there, Chad and Beth will continue to work with the doctors about her condition.

Sad to say, I do not have all of my story figured out yet, but it will come.

Well as Chad's daughter, Leah will continue to be in the sequel and I can't very well have Leah without her mom, which is, Dora.

One last question: Will all your books be of a religious nature?

Answer: I would like to say that I hate the word religious. But to answer the question, yes they will have a faith based tone or a Christian view. The Pharisees were very religious. Jesus took issue with the fact that they lived by rules and laws that put such burdens on the people that they could not see the real will of God due to their legalism. I know I wandered away from the real question. The answer is Yes.

Feel free to send more questions about the sequel if you wish.

Goodbye my dear family and friends,

Until next time,

God Bless you all.

God Bless you

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