I read your comment Sarah, thanks.
Now for everyone, I am going to try to get on a computer and keep this going but I need a need computer. Apparently I have a virus in mine.
Before I get back to my life, I would like to tell you more of why I started this blog. As I briefly stated in an earlier blog, I have written an christian based novel and it's about to come out. The only problem is, it has a couple of printer issues and the publishing company is going to try to get them fixed before anyone buys it. It's already on a website for Barnes and Noble, but you don't want that one because it's the one that needs fixing a little. I'll let you know when the corrected book is out. I also received my business cards today. If anyone tried my email address I wouldn't get it right away, so just be patient a little while. Believe me I'll be shouting on this and everywhere I can when I have it in my cold little hands. I am currently in the library and they only allow you an hour on the computers. It's cold in here and my hands are freezing.
Now for the time I have left, I'll try to give you a update from the last time. A couple of years after Mary we had a new bundle of joy. Another girl. Wow, God is so good. Now, I wanted four children and John wanted two. So, either we were over his original plan, or as far as I was concerned we were right on target. Another 7 lbs, 2or 3 ozs. We named her after John's biological mother who passed away when he was in his early teens. Her name is Virginia. We didn't know his mother's middle name at the time so we named her Virginia Heather. We just came from visiting her because she lives in Tennessee. Boy, do I miss her.
"Gin, if you are reading this, Dad called to tell me your good news. Give me a call tonight and let me know how how it went and what you decided."
I need to get off this, but I look forward to moving forward with more information tomorrow if I can.
Goodbye dear friends and family.
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