Thursday, October 29, 2009


This is a good day indeed. Nothing special is happening here, but God has chosen to give me another day to live, breathe, and a choice to be happy. This doesn't mean we don't hurt for people who are hurting, or cry with those who mourn, but we know God is alive and still in charge, even when we can't see this. I truly can't begin to understand how it is to have all the hardships that others have. I am only beginning to understand that if I didn't have Jesus Christ in my life, I am not sure I could endure any of the stuff this world throws my way. I thank God for a praying, Bible believing grandmother who wouldn't give up on me.

I asked the Lord for years what my ministry should be, and he answered that it was my family. I believe now he has given me another ministry. My family is still priority, I don't want to be in heaven without any one of them but he has graciously given me the gift of writing. I just have to be sure what I write is honoring to him. I also wait on the Lord for my scenes and direction of my books more than I ever did before.

I have this burning desire to get on with my sequel. But I also want to write a short story, or two, or ten for my grandkids for Christmas. The problem is I don't know where to start, until I just start. Yes, that would be the secret, just do it.
So, I am going to do that as soon as I make a cup of coffee.

Until next time dear family and friends,

May God shower you with his blessings.

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