Wow. It seems like forever since I've been on here. My new computer will be here next week and then Shawn is adding some programs for me, so that will take a little extra time. I know that he does work a full time job, takes care of three little ones on the nights that Lesley works and has a life of his own. But he still finds time to do this for me? My kids are grown, but everyone of them are so good to me. I don't deserve all they do for me. At the same time, I really appreciate it.
Now, for the novel information. They are sending an express copy to me to review, again, for printer errors. I think it should be here tomorrow or the next day. If it is okay. I'll call them and they can start printing some for me. I'll be giving everyone I can a business card, so you can order from me. I think I'll be able to give local people a break by delivering to them and then they will not have the shipping and handling fee which is pretty high. If you want to order it from Barnes and Nobel they give a discount and a smaller S&H fee. My card will just give my information. Actually, having this virus problem with my computer I might be a little gun shy about opening e-mail from people I don't know. My phone number will be on it, but you won't find anyone before 10 am. You can leave a message and I can get back to you at a convenient time for you. I'm guessing I will have some books about the same time as I get my new computer. Now I am getting excited. I will keep the blog going about my life but I need to get people a little familiar with what the story is about also.
Today, we'll continue. When Wayne was 8 months old, I picked him up from his crib and there was a small amount of blood on the sheet and in his mouth. So, off to the hospital we went. He was kept overnight for observation. They even brought in a hospital bed for me. I couldn't hold him because he had an IV in his foot and they didn't want it moved very much. I think he would have moved it less if I had held him, but I was worried so I listened to the doctors. They had a meeting with John, and I, and said whatever it was, it could be very serious. They were calling in a ear,nose and throat specialist to see him in the morning. Our pediatrician wasn't worried, she said a small capillary in the back of his throat probably burst. No big deal. Long story short, she was right, but he did have to get an upper GI and an exam which was not pleasant when the doctor shoved his fingers into his little mouth and then up into the back of his nose. I can still see it in my mind. I have to go now and I really want to keep going and tell you about that night in the hospital. What a great experience I had. I guess it will have to wait till tomorrow.
I have a friend in the hospital who had major surgery today and I know of a teen (girl) who is in very bad condition from an accident so if you read this and believe in prayer please keep these two in your prayers for healing.
God Bless dear family and friends.
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