Saturday, August 15, 2009

No more after Scott, okay,sure.

It's been weeks since I've been on this. I still don't have my own computer back yet, but Shawn says next week I should have everything I need. Probably at the end of the week. But some of you don't know about Shawn yet, do you? Well, I am going to make you wait a little while yet.
The novel is done and it can be ordered on-line at Barnes and Nobles. Just search book title or my name. WHAT'S DONE IS DONE or SUE KELLY. I'm told it will be on Borders website soon too. I also have cards if people want to buy it directly from me. But I would need to know who was interested to send you a card with my info.

We had a couple of very good friends visit from Farmington Il. To make a long story short my friend fell in the motel and broke her arm. I drove them home because the plane trip with those tiny seats wouldn't have been good for her. She was in a lot of pain. I was there a couple of days and they graciously got me a ticket to fly home. So, that is a good part of the reason I have not been writing on this.

I need to leave here soon, so I'll just give you a little taste of what is coming next. After Scott started school I was a happy camper for a couple years, then, yeah you guessed it I was wanting another baby. We agreed that we couldn't afford another one and at the same time agreed that what was one more. So, we soon were expecting again. But this time something was different. I asked my doctor if someone could really be pregnant and not be feeling sick in the beginning and she assured me that a lot of women aren't sick and yes, I really was pregnant. She did say that because this was unusual for me it could be a signal that something was wrong.
Bottom line, at thirteen weeks I had my first and only miscarriage. Boy, that was as bad as delivering a full term baby. The contractions were as hard, but it was over quicker.

Need to close for now.
Goodbye dear friends and family.

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