Wednesday, April 4, 2012


A Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer. Okay this definition came from a friendly dictionary. When I think about my past posts, reflections and comments really do describe this.

Currently, I have been having some problems with my computer. I know you've heard this before, but this is not the one I had a problem with earlier. I hope the problem is fixed now because I really need to get the rewrite of New Beginnings done and published. Some nights I can't go to sleep because I get a scene in my mind and it excites me and I just want to write. Sometimes I get up and write and at other times, I just force myself to relax and finally fall asleep.

I've read about authors who say your characters can't seem to be real, and others who say they positively become like real people to them. Well like anything else everyone has their own opinion. I need to keep in perspective that they are fictional people, and yet writers spend a lot of time with these people and get attached. When I write scenes about Beth, for example, I feel her pain, her excitement and concerns. I even cry with her at times. So in a way she is real for me. Now let me say that I relate to other characters also. That's how I function.

I just want to let y'all know that if there is too long a period without a post, it could be that I am not able to get on here or am busy with my rewrite. I look forward to your comments and thank y'all for them. The encouragement keeps me going.

Until next time,
God Bless y'all and have a happy Resurrection Day this Sunday

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