Friday, August 20, 2010

Denver & Willa

It's been a few days but I have returned. I've been busy writing New Beginnings and after the long break I had to take in July I'm ready to move on quickly, I hope. Wait till you meet Will, he is a very interesting guy. He isn't what I had planned because as usual each character takes on a personality of it's own.

I encourage you to check out Korana Kelly's blog called GlitterBug. It's great. I just read it and my girls Denver and Willa have been horseback riding. The pictures are precious. Sound like a proud Nana? Yes, I am. I've always loved horses so these pictures are the best. You can find it at http://waynekoranadenverandwilla.blogspot.com

If you enjoy nothing I write today but view this blog of Korana's I will be happy. I have put off getting a MRI done of my neck for personal reasons and my neurologist said "okay", just to let him know when I could do it. After almost two months I have had only minimal discomfort in arm but now that I am using it again (a lot) pain is coming back with a vengeance, so I guess I'll need to make that appointment.

No pictures yet cause I still need scanner etc. hooked up. I am looking forward to having this very soon. Hate to go but I need to work on novel before hand says stop or else.

Until next time.
God Bless Y'all

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Actually, the blog address is waynekoranadenverandwillakelly.blogspot.com