Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Cold Day

Good-evening everyone, I thought I would write a little before I close down for the night. I have spent most of the afternoon trying to get the sequel to flow to my satisfaction. I have been studying the different styles of novel writing. One man said he goes back after every chapter and edits and works it until he is satisfied with the chapter. I tried that and I don't think it's going to work for me. I might get to chapter five and realize I need to change something in chapter two. If I have spent hours just trying to make it a great chapter, and now decide I want to change something I have really wasted a lot of time. I guess I'm going to just do the same as I did with WHAT'S DONE IS DONE. Write the story and then go back over it. Edit and fix and do any changes I need then.

Nice, I have just made a decision. Being a woman I can always change my mind later. Right!!

Until later,
God Bless

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