Now today I wonder just how thankful I was yesterday. Did you ever get the feeling that if you looked at yesterday or the day before, you could pick out the blessings you have had? But at the time you don't always recognize them? Why is that? Are we so caught up in the busyness of life that we can't enjoy the day? I'm pretty sure that is the case with me.
I have always been a people pleaser and I'm trying to move away from that in my life. I do understand this is an issue from childhood. Trying to please my parents had led into trying to do it for everyone. John has always been loving and supportive. I have felt at times that he could have done better for himself than to get stuck with me. But his constant love and encouragement has helped me through this. We were meant to be together.
The Lord knew what he was doing when he blessed me with this godly man. We have had our issues like any married couple, but God has allowed us to grow in His love together. I remember when we lived in Conesus and the kids were young. I would get all of them ready for church and then my husband would say: Honey, I think I'll stay home and fix you all a wonderful dinner to come home to. And he did. We could smell the roast as soon as we entered our trailer and the dinner was delicious. But you see, I saw through what was really happening. John didn't want to go to church. So I began to pray for him daily. I knew someday he would totally give his heart to the Lord and I wanted it to be yesterday. I don't wait easily.
It took time but when it did happen we grew closer, and I won't say the problems of life and finances went away because they didn't. But you see God walked with us through them and still does today. The reason I told you this is because of the blessings I was talking about in the beginning. They were always there, I just didn't see them. God didn't let go of John because he stayed home and made dinner for us (often) but I sure struggled about this. God was working in his heart even at this time.
Look back, you might see how he has been working in your life or in someone you love. Just keep praying. He will answer.
Thank you for listening, I needed to vent about something and this wasn't it, but it did help.
Until next time,
God Bless you all.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Today is Thanksgiving Day
Well hi again, I'm sorry it's been awhile. I am just getting over a sinus infection and felt lousy for a few days. Today is better.
We are going to Mary and Rob's for supper. We don't have our family Thanksgiving until Saturday. Then we will enjoy most of our family with two exceptions. Virginia, Bryan, and Samantha are living in Tennessee. Mary's oldest Robbie, Rose, Xandra, Starr, and Anyka live in Florida. Okay, so that is more than two because I listed their family too. Some of you knew what I meant. Maybe.
We will be at Wayne and Korana's on Saturday. I just remembered I need to call because I just read on Korana's blog that the baby is still sick.
I'm going to make this short because I'm not feeling as good as I thought and need to take a rest before we go out.
Sarah, how is your dad doing?
Rose, heard you are helping feed people at your church today. Go, girl.
Cher, are you guys at Craig or Shelly's or are they at your house? Sorry I didn't call yet, to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
See you Saturday, Pooh.
Hey Gin, we will see you in a couple of weeks.
Sharon, sorry I missed you Mon. and Tues.
I know you miss him Kor.
Hope to see you soon, Lea.
Hi Lori, are you at Maria's house today?
Until next time dear family and friends.
God Bless you all.
We are going to Mary and Rob's for supper. We don't have our family Thanksgiving until Saturday. Then we will enjoy most of our family with two exceptions. Virginia, Bryan, and Samantha are living in Tennessee. Mary's oldest Robbie, Rose, Xandra, Starr, and Anyka live in Florida. Okay, so that is more than two because I listed their family too. Some of you knew what I meant. Maybe.
We will be at Wayne and Korana's on Saturday. I just remembered I need to call because I just read on Korana's blog that the baby is still sick.
I'm going to make this short because I'm not feeling as good as I thought and need to take a rest before we go out.
Sarah, how is your dad doing?
Rose, heard you are helping feed people at your church today. Go, girl.
Cher, are you guys at Craig or Shelly's or are they at your house? Sorry I didn't call yet, to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
See you Saturday, Pooh.
Hey Gin, we will see you in a couple of weeks.
Sharon, sorry I missed you Mon. and Tues.
I know you miss him Kor.
Hope to see you soon, Lea.
Hi Lori, are you at Maria's house today?
Until next time dear family and friends.
God Bless you all.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Good morning. It's a beautiful day. The sun is shinning and I love it. Now, I realize it might be chilly out there, but it is November.
I was sitting here thinking about Christmas and the gifts I haven't purchased yet. Our gifts aren't expensive but I try to find something nice. If we buy for just our family, which is our kids, their spouses and the grandchildren and our three beautiful great-granddaughters, it adds up to about thirty-three people. So we really need a big place for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think that leaves our apartment out of the question.
Many years we celebrated both of these holidays at our son, Bob and daughter in law Judy's church basement. It was very nice. It had a large kitchen and they always had a decorated tree because they have Sunday school there too. Bob and Judy cooked a large turkey because it was convenient to use the large ovens there. What they never told us was they usually gave a donation to the church for the use of this. One year, we found out and I felt bad that they took on this cost alone. But I tell you this to explain how our family are givers. I'm very proud to be the Mom, mother-in-law and last but not least the Nana of this wonderful bunch of Kelly's. All seven of them.
The last couple of years we have gone to Todd and Gail's because they bought a very large house and have the room. Then last year we only went there for Christmas. This year we will go to Wayne and Korana's for Thanksgiving and Todd and Gail's for Christmas. We don't have dinner on Thanksgiving day but on the Saturday after it.
Wayne and Korana have purchased her Grandfathers house after he went to be with his Lord a couple of summers ago. You see they moved in with Grandpa a few years before so he wouldn't have to live alone, and it worked out very well for everyone. He was a very active man and lived to be 95, I think. Wayne told me about a time at midnight he heard something downstairs. So he went down and here was Korana's Grandpa up on a chair in the kitchen looking for something that was in the top cupboard. They would come home and find him up on a ladder because he said the gutters needed to be cleaned out. They told him that they would feel better if he waited until someone was at home before he climbed ladders, but he always said he would be fine and they worried too much. I really admired that gentleman.
This could be a little sad, but I remember the day he passed away. Really the day before cause he lived passed midnight. We were at the hospital with his whole family and it was a really an emotional day. He was sitting up asking why everyone was gathered around his bed. He knew. But I think maybe he wanted to sleep and wouldn't if he had company. He talked to all of us and I thought, "The doctors have to be wrong, this man isn't dying. He isn't on medication so heavy that he can't communicate with anyone like my mom was. This is a mistake." I was going out to get a cup of coffee and I walked up to the bed and said, "I'll be back in a few minutes, Grandpa." He smiled at me and said " you know I really love you." I thought he might have thought I was one of his family members but later, he called me by name and said he loved John and I and always thought of Wayne as one of his own. Stop! Now, I'm blubbering like a baby and I thought this might be hard on someone else not me. Korana was with him at the end (I really should say beginning) and I know how much that meant to her. "Thank you Lord for granting her wish to be with him then."
Sorry, I can't proof read this now, so if there are mistakes please just ignore them.
God Bless you all.
I was sitting here thinking about Christmas and the gifts I haven't purchased yet. Our gifts aren't expensive but I try to find something nice. If we buy for just our family, which is our kids, their spouses and the grandchildren and our three beautiful great-granddaughters, it adds up to about thirty-three people. So we really need a big place for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think that leaves our apartment out of the question.
Many years we celebrated both of these holidays at our son, Bob and daughter in law Judy's church basement. It was very nice. It had a large kitchen and they always had a decorated tree because they have Sunday school there too. Bob and Judy cooked a large turkey because it was convenient to use the large ovens there. What they never told us was they usually gave a donation to the church for the use of this. One year, we found out and I felt bad that they took on this cost alone. But I tell you this to explain how our family are givers. I'm very proud to be the Mom, mother-in-law and last but not least the Nana of this wonderful bunch of Kelly's. All seven of them.
The last couple of years we have gone to Todd and Gail's because they bought a very large house and have the room. Then last year we only went there for Christmas. This year we will go to Wayne and Korana's for Thanksgiving and Todd and Gail's for Christmas. We don't have dinner on Thanksgiving day but on the Saturday after it.
Wayne and Korana have purchased her Grandfathers house after he went to be with his Lord a couple of summers ago. You see they moved in with Grandpa a few years before so he wouldn't have to live alone, and it worked out very well for everyone. He was a very active man and lived to be 95, I think. Wayne told me about a time at midnight he heard something downstairs. So he went down and here was Korana's Grandpa up on a chair in the kitchen looking for something that was in the top cupboard. They would come home and find him up on a ladder because he said the gutters needed to be cleaned out. They told him that they would feel better if he waited until someone was at home before he climbed ladders, but he always said he would be fine and they worried too much. I really admired that gentleman.
This could be a little sad, but I remember the day he passed away. Really the day before cause he lived passed midnight. We were at the hospital with his whole family and it was a really an emotional day. He was sitting up asking why everyone was gathered around his bed. He knew. But I think maybe he wanted to sleep and wouldn't if he had company. He talked to all of us and I thought, "The doctors have to be wrong, this man isn't dying. He isn't on medication so heavy that he can't communicate with anyone like my mom was. This is a mistake." I was going out to get a cup of coffee and I walked up to the bed and said, "I'll be back in a few minutes, Grandpa." He smiled at me and said " you know I really love you." I thought he might have thought I was one of his family members but later, he called me by name and said he loved John and I and always thought of Wayne as one of his own. Stop! Now, I'm blubbering like a baby and I thought this might be hard on someone else not me. Korana was with him at the end (I really should say beginning) and I know how much that meant to her. "Thank you Lord for granting her wish to be with him then."
Sorry, I can't proof read this now, so if there are mistakes please just ignore them.
God Bless you all.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Response to questions
Good afternoon everyone. Today I'm going to give answers to some questions I've been asked about the sequel. These questions will be answered to the best of my knowledge at this time. Any or all of them could change with the writing process. This is my disclaimer. Let's get started.
Questions: When will the sequel be out?
Do you have a title yet?
Will you be adding new characters? If so how many? Will all the old characters from "What's Done is Done" be in the new book?
Are you going to keep Courtney in the sequel, and if so, will she continue to have seizures?
You say that you have started this sequel, do you have all of you story line figured out yet?
What about Dora? Will she be in the sequel?
Answers: Wow, so many thing could make this answer impossible. Like re-writing, editing, how fast the story gets from my brain to the paper. Time issues. I do have a desire to have it out by summer, 2010. Now that we are almost to the middle of November, I wonder if that is going to be possible but "nothing is impossible with God." This is a direct quote from his word. I will do my best and the rest is up to Him.
No, I don't have a title yet. Suggestions can be sent to me at:
Yes, at this time I have three new people and they will have major parts in the sequel.
Most the the original people will put in an appearance sometime.
Courtney will be there, Chad and Beth will continue to work with the doctors about her condition.
Sad to say, I do not have all of my story figured out yet, but it will come.
Well as Chad's daughter, Leah will continue to be in the sequel and I can't very well have Leah without her mom, which is, Dora.
One last question: Will all your books be of a religious nature?
Answer: I would like to say that I hate the word religious. But to answer the question, yes they will have a faith based tone or a Christian view. The Pharisees were very religious. Jesus took issue with the fact that they lived by rules and laws that put such burdens on the people that they could not see the real will of God due to their legalism. I know I wandered away from the real question. The answer is Yes.
Feel free to send more questions about the sequel if you wish.
Goodbye my dear family and friends,
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
God Bless you
Questions: When will the sequel be out?
Do you have a title yet?
Will you be adding new characters? If so how many? Will all the old characters from "What's Done is Done" be in the new book?
Are you going to keep Courtney in the sequel, and if so, will she continue to have seizures?
You say that you have started this sequel, do you have all of you story line figured out yet?
What about Dora? Will she be in the sequel?
Answers: Wow, so many thing could make this answer impossible. Like re-writing, editing, how fast the story gets from my brain to the paper. Time issues. I do have a desire to have it out by summer, 2010. Now that we are almost to the middle of November, I wonder if that is going to be possible but "nothing is impossible with God." This is a direct quote from his word. I will do my best and the rest is up to Him.
No, I don't have a title yet. Suggestions can be sent to me at:
Yes, at this time I have three new people and they will have major parts in the sequel.
Most the the original people will put in an appearance sometime.
Courtney will be there, Chad and Beth will continue to work with the doctors about her condition.
Sad to say, I do not have all of my story figured out yet, but it will come.
Well as Chad's daughter, Leah will continue to be in the sequel and I can't very well have Leah without her mom, which is, Dora.
One last question: Will all your books be of a religious nature?
Answer: I would like to say that I hate the word religious. But to answer the question, yes they will have a faith based tone or a Christian view. The Pharisees were very religious. Jesus took issue with the fact that they lived by rules and laws that put such burdens on the people that they could not see the real will of God due to their legalism. I know I wandered away from the real question. The answer is Yes.
Feel free to send more questions about the sequel if you wish.
Goodbye my dear family and friends,
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
God Bless you
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Movin on
Good afternoon,
Today I would like to give you an update of "WHAT'S DONE IS DONE". It's now available at two libraries in Livingston County. Livonia and Lima both have it in their library. A few of these books have been sold in Tennessee, and there are a few in Painted Post, N.Y. Tomorrow I will be shipping some to South Carolina.
If I had to describe what this book was about in simple words this would pretty much cover it: family relationships, lies, shame, happiness, sorrow, love, joy, excitement, reality.
I didn't get to finish this yesterday, so here I am. The books are shipped to South Carolina, and I have my errands done. I am now home and want to get busy on the novel again.
Sometimes my days flow nicely when I'm writing, and others I just seem to be spinning scenes over in my head. If I come away from the computer, knowing I have accomplished something I call it a good day. I know this is normal, at least for me. I still want every day to go smoothly and to be able to move forward. Is this reality? I don't think so. Reality is that I still need a housekeeper and a more self-disciplined life.
I need to get busy, so I'll say good bye for now.
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
P.S. Please pray for my friend Sarah's dad who was injured yesterday and is in the hospital with serious injuries.
Today I would like to give you an update of "WHAT'S DONE IS DONE". It's now available at two libraries in Livingston County. Livonia and Lima both have it in their library. A few of these books have been sold in Tennessee, and there are a few in Painted Post, N.Y. Tomorrow I will be shipping some to South Carolina.
If I had to describe what this book was about in simple words this would pretty much cover it: family relationships, lies, shame, happiness, sorrow, love, joy, excitement, reality.
I didn't get to finish this yesterday, so here I am. The books are shipped to South Carolina, and I have my errands done. I am now home and want to get busy on the novel again.
Sometimes my days flow nicely when I'm writing, and others I just seem to be spinning scenes over in my head. If I come away from the computer, knowing I have accomplished something I call it a good day. I know this is normal, at least for me. I still want every day to go smoothly and to be able to move forward. Is this reality? I don't think so. Reality is that I still need a housekeeper and a more self-disciplined life.
I need to get busy, so I'll say good bye for now.
Until next time,
God Bless you all.
P.S. Please pray for my friend Sarah's dad who was injured yesterday and is in the hospital with serious injuries.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Where have I been?
Good afternoon everyone. I was sort of 'out to lunch' all last week. Then when I wanted to get on this and talk to you ladies and gents my computer wouldn't let me into my blog. I went from frustrated to angry and back on Saturday. I was feeling like, 'hey, I set these passwords don't tell me I can't have them, they are mine and have been since I started this months ago.'
But to my dismay I still couldn't get in. I wrote to the help page after their info. didn't 'help' and told them my problem. Maybe they did something because here I am. So thank you, blog spot or Google or whoever helped me.
I have not been sick like so many people but just had a bad day. Well, day after day, after day. Can anyone relate?
I'm waiting for another shipment of books to come. The others are gone. The reports I've heard are good and I'm moving on to keep plugging ahead in the sequel. I am taking book orders over the phone and at my P.O. Box. Need to keep the first book moving.
If anyone is interested in throwing out some suggestions for a title for the sequel feel free. You'll have to be a follower to do this, I think. I hate the word follower. Please don't follow me, you'll end up in an emotional ditch. I did that by 'following' someone. You will become emotional wreckage.
On a happier note, Shawn and Lesley just got back from a trip to her cousins wedding. They actually got to spend a couple of days without the kids. Thanks to Lesley's mom, Sandy.
I just read on Korana's blog that Wayne fell off a ladder a few days ago, but is fine. He never mentioned it to me and I talked to him over the weekend. Korana, as of last night was still feeling like a truck ran over her. My words not hers. And Kor if you read this, I will address Courtney's health problem in the sequel.
Sorry, the bus just backed up and that means my honey is home. Need to feed him.
Until tomorrow,
God Bless you all.
But to my dismay I still couldn't get in. I wrote to the help page after their info. didn't 'help' and told them my problem. Maybe they did something because here I am. So thank you, blog spot or Google or whoever helped me.
I have not been sick like so many people but just had a bad day. Well, day after day, after day. Can anyone relate?
I'm waiting for another shipment of books to come. The others are gone. The reports I've heard are good and I'm moving on to keep plugging ahead in the sequel. I am taking book orders over the phone and at my P.O. Box. Need to keep the first book moving.
If anyone is interested in throwing out some suggestions for a title for the sequel feel free. You'll have to be a follower to do this, I think. I hate the word follower. Please don't follow me, you'll end up in an emotional ditch. I did that by 'following' someone. You will become emotional wreckage.
On a happier note, Shawn and Lesley just got back from a trip to her cousins wedding. They actually got to spend a couple of days without the kids. Thanks to Lesley's mom, Sandy.
I just read on Korana's blog that Wayne fell off a ladder a few days ago, but is fine. He never mentioned it to me and I talked to him over the weekend. Korana, as of last night was still feeling like a truck ran over her. My words not hers. And Kor if you read this, I will address Courtney's health problem in the sequel.
Sorry, the bus just backed up and that means my honey is home. Need to feed him.
Until tomorrow,
God Bless you all.
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