This is a good day indeed. Nothing special is happening here, but God has chosen to give me another day to live, breathe, and a choice to be happy. This doesn't mean we don't hurt for people who are hurting, or cry with those who mourn, but we know God is alive and still in charge, even when we can't see this. I truly can't begin to understand how it is to have all the hardships that others have. I am only beginning to understand that if I didn't have Jesus Christ in my life, I am not sure I could endure any of the stuff this world throws my way. I thank God for a praying, Bible believing grandmother who wouldn't give up on me.
I asked the Lord for years what my ministry should be, and he answered that it was my family. I believe now he has given me another ministry. My family is still priority, I don't want to be in heaven without any one of them but he has graciously given me the gift of writing. I just have to be sure what I write is honoring to him. I also wait on the Lord for my scenes and direction of my books more than I ever did before.
I have this burning desire to get on with my sequel. But I also want to write a short story, or two, or ten for my grandkids for Christmas. The problem is I don't know where to start, until I just start. Yes, that would be the secret, just do it.
So, I am going to do that as soon as I make a cup of coffee.
Until next time dear family and friends,
May God shower you with his blessings.

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
End, just for Shawn
Welcome Water Lily. It's so nice to be actually on here when a new follower signs up.
I don't have anything planned to write, so I'll just give you whatever comes to my mind.
I am finding that there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that I want to. Maybe I could cut my sleep time. NOT. How would I get my beauty rest? At my age (which is pretty young for a great-grandmother) I don't have the energy I want. During my first pregnancy which was for Todd, I only took a nap once. After that I took naps whenever my kids did. I needed the sleep.
I will be placing an ad in a couple of Penny Savers by the first of Nov. I'm pretty sure. These should announce my sale of WHAT'S DONE IS DONE for the next two months. Think Christmas gifts or just leisure reading. I'm so excited about this book and the feed back. I have started the sequel, but here is where the time issue comes in. I am praying that I can organize my days more effectively.
Until later,
God bless y'all. (just for you again Shawn, feel better honey)
I don't have anything planned to write, so I'll just give you whatever comes to my mind.
I am finding that there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that I want to. Maybe I could cut my sleep time. NOT. How would I get my beauty rest? At my age (which is pretty young for a great-grandmother) I don't have the energy I want. During my first pregnancy which was for Todd, I only took a nap once. After that I took naps whenever my kids did. I needed the sleep.
I will be placing an ad in a couple of Penny Savers by the first of Nov. I'm pretty sure. These should announce my sale of WHAT'S DONE IS DONE for the next two months. Think Christmas gifts or just leisure reading. I'm so excited about this book and the feed back. I have started the sequel, but here is where the time issue comes in. I am praying that I can organize my days more effectively.
Until later,
God bless y'all. (just for you again Shawn, feel better honey)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Quick Hello
Good evening, I only have a minute but I wanted to let my friends know, I just have been so busy today I couldn't get on this blog. I'm thinking about changing this so when you get on you see the first stuff and not the last entry until you scroll down to it. Any ideas followers. Should I change this? All input gratefully appreciated.
Sorry, we have to leave, hope to get back tomorrow.
Until then Bye,
Sorry, we have to leave, hope to get back tomorrow.
Until then Bye,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Back to book info.
When I started this blog, I just wanted to get some interest going about my novel that was being brought out this last summer.
I went away from this to allow you to learn something about me. This went to almost writing a book about my life. I really wanted to just let readers know where I was coming from but I had people writing to me and asking me to continue on about my life's journey, so I did. Now, I would like to share some things about the novel without giving away the whole story because some of you haven't read it yet.
I will begin by saying that I'm going to run a special from now until the end of the year. It's a great time to purchase something for that person you don't know what to buy for. I now have a manager who is going to try to set up some book signings for me and she will also be putting up fliers. Some will have event information on them. Anyone who would like more information (sale price, delivery, etc.) can contact me by mail at S. Kelly P.O. Box 545 Lima, N.Y. 14485. Be sure to include a phone number, address, or email so I can respond to you as soon as possible.
One person said that this book was like a story about two families. She is right, some will see it this way and that's okay. The main character of this book is Beth Hurley. Beth is a young woman of nineteen, and she makes some very unwise choices. Instead of dealing with them right away, she accepts a lie, and it becomes part of her life. This not only opens her up to more danger, but also separates her from her family for a time. She realizes that to live this lie means she has to lie to cover it up continually.
Chad Bennett is her brother, Charles' best friend and the person who despite being a few years older than Beth, feels some kind of bond with her. He suspects something is wrong,
but is planning his own wedding soon and really can't get involved in her issues.
I can't begin to tell how the twists and turns will keep you wanting to read more. But that is part of the feedback I'm receiving from people. If you aren't a book reader, you can purchase this as an e book from Barnes and Noble on- line.
I look forward to hearing from you. I usually make a trip to the post office daily.
Until next time.
God bless you all.
When I started this blog, I just wanted to get some interest going about my novel that was being brought out this last summer.
I went away from this to allow you to learn something about me. This went to almost writing a book about my life. I really wanted to just let readers know where I was coming from but I had people writing to me and asking me to continue on about my life's journey, so I did. Now, I would like to share some things about the novel without giving away the whole story because some of you haven't read it yet.
I will begin by saying that I'm going to run a special from now until the end of the year. It's a great time to purchase something for that person you don't know what to buy for. I now have a manager who is going to try to set up some book signings for me and she will also be putting up fliers. Some will have event information on them. Anyone who would like more information (sale price, delivery, etc.) can contact me by mail at S. Kelly P.O. Box 545 Lima, N.Y. 14485. Be sure to include a phone number, address, or email so I can respond to you as soon as possible.
One person said that this book was like a story about two families. She is right, some will see it this way and that's okay. The main character of this book is Beth Hurley. Beth is a young woman of nineteen, and she makes some very unwise choices. Instead of dealing with them right away, she accepts a lie, and it becomes part of her life. This not only opens her up to more danger, but also separates her from her family for a time. She realizes that to live this lie means she has to lie to cover it up continually.
Chad Bennett is her brother, Charles' best friend and the person who despite being a few years older than Beth, feels some kind of bond with her. He suspects something is wrong,
but is planning his own wedding soon and really can't get involved in her issues.
I can't begin to tell how the twists and turns will keep you wanting to read more. But that is part of the feedback I'm receiving from people. If you aren't a book reader, you can purchase this as an e book from Barnes and Noble on- line.
I look forward to hearing from you. I usually make a trip to the post office daily.
Until next time.
God bless you all.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Family Highlights,con't
Good afternoon, I have told you a little about the life of Mary, Todd, and Bob. So I would like to just give a little about the others.
Virginia and her family moved to LasVegas a few years ago. We took our '84 RV and drove out there for what was going to be a couple of months. We stayed about 7 months because John found a job he loved in a little airport that did tours of the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. But by the summer time we had both been very sick from the heat and dehydration. I almost went to the hospital, but out there they can give you IV for this in the doctor's office. We came home the first week in July. About four years later, Virginia and her kids moved to Nashville Tennessee. John flew out, helped her with the moving truck, kids and animals, and her husband was able to arrive a few days later. They loved Tennessee. Virginia has two teenagers, Bryan, 18 and Samantha who will be 16 right after Christmas. They have moved to a smaller city than Nashville but it's only about 30 to 40 minutes from Nashville. It's a good size city called Murfreesboro.
When Wayne got out of high school, he went to work for a company that built houses, then left there and got a job at Midvale Country Club in the shop they ran for their members. He also ran a Youth for Christ Club from our home in Greece. At this time we had more teenagers at our house than we ever had. You see they didn't only come on club night, but also whenever they could get him to have a game night or a movie night. John and I went on a ski trip with them as chaperons one year, and then for the next three years we took a trip to Ocean City N.J. and were counselors there. It was a lot of fun. Now to make a long story short, he married one of the girls from the club. They have three daughters. They live in Greece, N.Y.
When Scott finished school, he was already working in a restaurant. He started as a dishwasher, and then became interested in cooking. They were more than happy to have him help out on fish fry night. Soon, he was being trained to cook everything and eventually became head cook. After a few years he wanted to try something different. He was already trained in auto body work and was very, very good at this. So, he did this for a few years. One Christmas he bought wood and hand made a large cabinet for his girlfriend. It was lined with mirrors and had a light in the top. Wow, I was so impressed at the talent the Lord had given my son. Today, Scott lives in Conesus N.Y. very near where he grew up. He and his brother Bob work in the same shop that repairs furniture in Bloomfield. Still working with wood.
Now, as for Shawn. As you know from the beginning, Shawn came along about 7 years after Scott. It was kind of like starting over. But it was great. Now, John had a good job at Gannet newspaper in Rochester and we weren't lacking for money like we did earlier. The older kids said Shawn was spoiled because we could afford to go out to eat, and took a couple vacations, and things like that. Shawn will admit that he doesn't remember being real 'poor'. Well, we weren't, we just lacked money. We pretty much had only Shawn,Scott, and Wayne home when we bought the house in Greece in 1991. Wayne and Scott were gone a lot, so yes Shawn did get a lot of attention. He started attending the Campus Life Club (Youth for Christ) that Wayne did and went on Ocean City trips with us. Surprise, he also found the love of his life there. They married and now have two boys and one girl. His first boy is Shawn Michael Kelly Jr. I didn't realize the paper work and stuff like that you have to do to become a Sr. and your son a Jr. but there is.
Now, I have finished telling you about most of our high points, and still could go on about the grand-kids and I might, but not now. I want to pray and ask God what He would like to come next. Again, I want to say if I have repeated any stuff from earlier. Sorry. I do hope you have enjoyed getting to know about me and my life. I know from comments that people who are Christians with a total heart for God have asked for more faith info. and people who aren't into God for reasons of their own don't want to hear it. I won't apologize, because I am who I am, and that is, who my Lord is constantly changing me into. I hope you will return. My desire is to just be me.
Until next time,
God bless you my dear friends and family.
Virginia and her family moved to LasVegas a few years ago. We took our '84 RV and drove out there for what was going to be a couple of months. We stayed about 7 months because John found a job he loved in a little airport that did tours of the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. But by the summer time we had both been very sick from the heat and dehydration. I almost went to the hospital, but out there they can give you IV for this in the doctor's office. We came home the first week in July. About four years later, Virginia and her kids moved to Nashville Tennessee. John flew out, helped her with the moving truck, kids and animals, and her husband was able to arrive a few days later. They loved Tennessee. Virginia has two teenagers, Bryan, 18 and Samantha who will be 16 right after Christmas. They have moved to a smaller city than Nashville but it's only about 30 to 40 minutes from Nashville. It's a good size city called Murfreesboro.
When Wayne got out of high school, he went to work for a company that built houses, then left there and got a job at Midvale Country Club in the shop they ran for their members. He also ran a Youth for Christ Club from our home in Greece. At this time we had more teenagers at our house than we ever had. You see they didn't only come on club night, but also whenever they could get him to have a game night or a movie night. John and I went on a ski trip with them as chaperons one year, and then for the next three years we took a trip to Ocean City N.J. and were counselors there. It was a lot of fun. Now to make a long story short, he married one of the girls from the club. They have three daughters. They live in Greece, N.Y.
When Scott finished school, he was already working in a restaurant. He started as a dishwasher, and then became interested in cooking. They were more than happy to have him help out on fish fry night. Soon, he was being trained to cook everything and eventually became head cook. After a few years he wanted to try something different. He was already trained in auto body work and was very, very good at this. So, he did this for a few years. One Christmas he bought wood and hand made a large cabinet for his girlfriend. It was lined with mirrors and had a light in the top. Wow, I was so impressed at the talent the Lord had given my son. Today, Scott lives in Conesus N.Y. very near where he grew up. He and his brother Bob work in the same shop that repairs furniture in Bloomfield. Still working with wood.
Now, as for Shawn. As you know from the beginning, Shawn came along about 7 years after Scott. It was kind of like starting over. But it was great. Now, John had a good job at Gannet newspaper in Rochester and we weren't lacking for money like we did earlier. The older kids said Shawn was spoiled because we could afford to go out to eat, and took a couple vacations, and things like that. Shawn will admit that he doesn't remember being real 'poor'. Well, we weren't, we just lacked money. We pretty much had only Shawn,Scott, and Wayne home when we bought the house in Greece in 1991. Wayne and Scott were gone a lot, so yes Shawn did get a lot of attention. He started attending the Campus Life Club (Youth for Christ) that Wayne did and went on Ocean City trips with us. Surprise, he also found the love of his life there. They married and now have two boys and one girl. His first boy is Shawn Michael Kelly Jr. I didn't realize the paper work and stuff like that you have to do to become a Sr. and your son a Jr. but there is.
Now, I have finished telling you about most of our high points, and still could go on about the grand-kids and I might, but not now. I want to pray and ask God what He would like to come next. Again, I want to say if I have repeated any stuff from earlier. Sorry. I do hope you have enjoyed getting to know about me and my life. I know from comments that people who are Christians with a total heart for God have asked for more faith info. and people who aren't into God for reasons of their own don't want to hear it. I won't apologize, because I am who I am, and that is, who my Lord is constantly changing me into. I hope you will return. My desire is to just be me.
Until next time,
God bless you my dear friends and family.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Beautiful Day
I don't know where the time goes. I have been very busy since I wrote last. I think Face Book is nice most of the time but, it's also time consuming and so is my email. I usually check them first, and by the time I respond to all the things on them, I don't have time to really spend on here. Also, I'm trying to get an outline done for the sequel, and I could possibly be helping a friend with a book, and that really excites me. I'm still trying to finish getting my aunt and uncle's copy on cassette for them.
Now, I'm in the process of cleaning out my closet and putting away summer clothes and getting out the winter ones. John won't even walk near my closet, he is sure he might fall in and we would never find him again. It's really not that bad, and I'm sure we would find him in the spring when I put away the winter clothes.
Now back to just a little bit about what came next. Todd bought a Gremlin the second year he was at Alfred Tech. He came home every week-end and before we knew it he was engaged to a girl he had been seeing. Come to find out they had met in 5th grade when he started Livonia middle school. She admits that she had a crush on him then. They were married in September, the year he graduated from Alfred Tech. Gail is a beautiful woman with a soft and gentle heart. They lived next door to us from the time she was almost due to have their first baby until they were ready the have their third. The first was a girl, second and third were boys. I could go on and on but this is the highlight of Todd's life. (I think).
Bob met the love of his life in high school also. Judy was and still is the prettiest girl Bob ever dated. They had a lot in common. She was one of seven children, and her family had five boys and two girls, same as we did.
They both were born on May 2nd, except he was one year older.(I think).
Bob loved the outdoors and still does. He took conservation in high school. He hunts every year. Gun and bow season will find him out in the woods. They have two beautiful kids. One girl and one boy.
Today the sun is shinning and even though it is chilly, God has blessed us with a gorgeous day and I will praise him for it.
Sarah, I wanted to thank you for your comment and your wise advice. Thank you.
Until next time,
God bless you dear friends and family.
Now, I'm in the process of cleaning out my closet and putting away summer clothes and getting out the winter ones. John won't even walk near my closet, he is sure he might fall in and we would never find him again. It's really not that bad, and I'm sure we would find him in the spring when I put away the winter clothes.
Now back to just a little bit about what came next. Todd bought a Gremlin the second year he was at Alfred Tech. He came home every week-end and before we knew it he was engaged to a girl he had been seeing. Come to find out they had met in 5th grade when he started Livonia middle school. She admits that she had a crush on him then. They were married in September, the year he graduated from Alfred Tech. Gail is a beautiful woman with a soft and gentle heart. They lived next door to us from the time she was almost due to have their first baby until they were ready the have their third. The first was a girl, second and third were boys. I could go on and on but this is the highlight of Todd's life. (I think).
Bob met the love of his life in high school also. Judy was and still is the prettiest girl Bob ever dated. They had a lot in common. She was one of seven children, and her family had five boys and two girls, same as we did.
They both were born on May 2nd, except he was one year older.(I think).
Bob loved the outdoors and still does. He took conservation in high school. He hunts every year. Gun and bow season will find him out in the woods. They have two beautiful kids. One girl and one boy.
Today the sun is shinning and even though it is chilly, God has blessed us with a gorgeous day and I will praise him for it.
Sarah, I wanted to thank you for your comment and your wise advice. Thank you.
Until next time,
God bless you dear friends and family.
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