Monday, September 28, 2009


I can get very depressed when the sun doesn't show her pretty light, and that would be today. I am getting ready to read my book on cassette tapes for my aunt and uncle because their eyes aren't as good as they use to be. I have new ideas to start a sequel for WHAT'S DONE IS DONE. My honey had a low sugar attack on Saturday and on and on I could go. What usually happens to me at this stage of depression is that I can't accomplish anything, and that includes cleaning house. All this adds up to me feeling worse about everything. I'm really want to get to Face Book and do some stuff but for some reason, I can't get in the way I usually do. It looks like they have changed things and I don't like it.
Some people on Face Book just complain all the time and that is frustrating also. Kind of reminds me of what I'm doing now. But they do it constantly. So, I thought if I can get this out of my system now, I'll feel better and can let go of it.
This is the question "hey, where do you want me to go from here. Yes, I could make a book out of my life but then I guess that would be another issue."

So followers and people who read this regularly, give me some ideas. I have highlights of my "continued life" that I could write without boring you with too many details.

Any way I would like to thank anyone in advance who will give me some suggestions.

Until next time,

God Bless

1 comment:

sarahflorida said...

Sue, I will be sending you a message on facebook shortly, I just am getting caught up with your blogs-I can relate to you about the negativity on facebook, sometimes it's better not to know certain things, that's why I don't browse peoples pages as much as usual unless I really want to contact them.

As for ideas regarding your blog, perhaps you can write more about your faith experiences whether it apply to the past or future.

Take care and don't let this dreary weather get the best of you!

God bless!