Saturday, July 9, 2011


I've spent the last half hour thinking about the clutter in my life. Sound interesting? Probably not but I'd like to tell you about a little of it anyway.

In my house clutter comes in the form of books all around because I'm reading more than one at a time or because of my need to get organized. I want a neat and orderly home but never seem to achieve it. We have too many 'things' but I can't decide what to give up. You know as soon as you give something away you will want to use it. In my apartment, we have dust. Dust on shelves and dust under dressers and the bed. Dust everywhere. Now John is allergic to dust mites so I really need to keep at this stuff I call dust clutter but it's so easy to forget. This is just a taste of what I deal with on a daily basis and can't seem to get a handle on it. I usually blame this on lack of energy. But call and ask me to go to lunch or shopping and see how fast my energy level can pull it together.

Please don't get the wrong idea, I've watched some of those hoarding tv shows and it's not like that. I realize that people who do this can't stop themselves but for me, my kind clutter is frustrating also.

There is another kind of clutter that is much more damaging and for me that is spiritual clutter. I find myself distracted at the worst times. Sometimes I can't pull myself out of it and it can wreck the best worship time or get in the way of a good sermon. My mind will wander away form God to stupid things like what will I buy at the store for dinner or what do I need to do the next day. This might not be an issue for any of you but it's a big one for me.

Spiritual clutter can be things that we need to take care of with the Lord and haven't, so they get in the way with our relationship with Him. The first step is to admit we have a mess and then go to God with our clutter, and at times we might need prayer support by going to a trusted Christian friend to pray with us to help us over the slump of not wanting to move forward and allow our heavenly Father to deal with the clutter. After all He above anyone else wants to help us clear this junk up. I look forward to giving all my spiritual clutter to Him and be free from it once and for all.

So you ask, what happens when it slips back in? Be quicker this time to turn it over to Him. This is His will for us and I don't believe there is a number of times before we run out of forgiveness or repentance. God's word backs this up for us. Matt.18:22 states that we need and can keep forgiving others(and I believe this means forgiving ourselves too).

Is it a sin to have spiritual clutter? Only you can answer this? For me I need to go back and realize that God judges my heart. This goes for all Christians.
I hope you have enjoyed 'Clutter'.

Until next time.
God Bless y'all

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Today I feel that I am so far behind with my blog that I just feel like throwing out my feelings for a few minutes. If I were to open my journal (which I used to do daily)it would read something like this.

Darn why can't I get up early instead of sleeping most of the beautiful morning away? I know it's because I can't go to sleep at night and this has been going on for years. But every year I tell myself that in the summer I want to get up early and totally enjoy the warm, sunny morning before it gets too hot out. But this almost never happens.

Now I walk up to the kitchen window, look out and hear a strange clicking sound coming from the air conditioner. No! We need this. Why does this have to happen in July when we need a little cool in the house? Then I look at the school across the street where they are doing a construction project. Neighborhood rumor has it that they are putting in a new bus loop and moving the playground to make room for it. Okay, I'm frustrated with the noise of the trucks and heavy equipment but maybe it won't take all summer. But the AC is something I don't want to do without. Please Lord.

I know, maybe John or Scott can take it apart and oil everything and it will be fine. We have done this with fans and other stuff.

I turn off the air conditioner and wait for the fan to stop turning. It seems to take forever. Now what! It's off and I still hear the clicking. How can this be? I lean my ear close to the window and can still hear the sound. This is more frustration than I can handle without my morning coffee, so I head out the front door and low and behold the clicking is coming from one of the big construction machines. I smile, turn around and head back to the kitchen for the long awaited cup of coffee that I deserve on this 'early' July morning. I ask God to forgive me for jumping to conclusions and thank Him for the glorious day ahead.

My new years resolution is early this year. I am planning on blogging much more often.

Until next time,
God Bless Y'all