Thursday, November 24, 2011

Today is?

Good afternoon. Today is Thanksgiving Day. I am delighted that God has seen fit to bless us in our little corner of the world with sunshine and chilly but not cold temperatures.

Today I am thankful for the complete faithfulness of God, the beauty of life and the blessings that our family bring into our lives. I am grateful for the air I breathe and another day to live and enjoy.

I am thankful that God gave his only son to die for me. Why? Me, who am I ? I can't understand this but I am so happy that he did. Did you ever stop and think about it? Would you allow one of your children to willingly die for someone? Would you have given him birth knowing that this was going to happen. I think I would have chosen not to have children if this was the case. I know I certainly would not have willingly wanted or allowed this. But God knew all this when he created the world. He knew what mankind would be like, and he had Jesus ready from the beginning of time.

If this sounds like I'm sad, I'm not. I am rejoicing today because of this. This is what I feel Thanksgiving is all about.

I love each and everyone of you, my dear family. I will see you on Saturday for our "family day". Thank you all for loving me.

Until next time.
God Bless y"all

P.S. Feel better real soon, Lesley. Prayers still coming your way daily.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Good afternoon everyone. Some days I spend too much time trying to decide what to put in the title line. So, let's forget it today.

Saturday we went to a wedding. Yep, another one. We have never had a summer and fall like this. We probably never will have another one, but with the size of our family anything is possible.

New Beginnings; Did Beth really see Barry?

Who the heck is Paige and will she be a important part of this story?

William who? And what is he going to do?

Does Courtney continued to have medical issues,(seizures etc.)?

What are Neil and Mae Hurley up to?

Leah, remember her?

What's up with Dora?
And Chad's mom, Miriam?

Well the answer is I am working on it and not everyone will be in this book. I guess you'll have to wait and see.

Sorry I need to get back to work.

Until next time.

God Bless Y'all

P.S. Happy Birthday to Todd and Gail, Denver and Ketura, and Xandra.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Can not sleep

Good evening everyone. As usual I have been very busy and when I plan to write in the evening I'm just too tired.

I guess I haven't written in a while because Ava has been home since the week after Rylie came home. They are so beautiful. Ave is starting to have some nice puff to her face. In other words she is visibly gaining weight. TJ and Heather seem to be doing good. I won't say they aren't tired, how could you have twins and not be?

I have been super busy and the days seem to fly by. I definitely need a housekeeper. Fat chance of that on my budget. Most days I am out doing errands, curves, and then research for New Beginnings, which is really coming along very well. But it's the revisions and editing I am not looking forward to.

I think I mentioned that WHAT'S DONE IS DONE is now on kindle, nook, iPod and I can't think of the name of the other thing. Oh, wait I think it Druid or something like that. Can be ordered through Barnes and Noble, iuniverse, and Amazon.com. I have my sisters Kindle now so I can read it from there. Just got it last night so haven't started it yet. So far I really like a paperback book to curl up with but I am going to give the ebook a try. I may possibly take off some time and write a couple things for our grandkids for Christmas. I need to pray for ideas if this is going to become a reality.

I have over three hundred emails waiting to be read or deleted. So many are just advertisements and I don't have time for them. Forwards are another issue.

I just finished reading an interview in Writer's Digest with James Lee Burke and I learned some great information about perseverance. I will put this into practice starting now. It kinda goes against my personality but I believe he has the right idea. I will take this invaluable information and use it for my writing.

This is how I would sum this interview up, (my own words not necessarily his)a writer writes because that's what we do. We have to do it. Ideas come at all times day and night. Other peoples opinions are not going to stop me because I'm not writing to please others but writing to become true to myself. What a legacy to leave my grand-children and great-grandchildren. Be true to yourself and God and you can't go wrong.

Prayer request for this time is; one of our granddaughter's is sick with an ear infection, and a little bit of pneumonia. The word 'little' or 'tiny bit' is from her daddy. Please pray that the medicine will do it's work and God will give her a speedy recovery.

Until next time.
God Bless Y'all

Friday, September 23, 2011

Didn't plan to write

Good evening everyone, I really didn't plan to write tonight but I'm excited about a couple of things and wanted to share them.

The girls are doing fine but I don't have a current answer for; how much do they weigh now? The best news is that Rylie has gone home today. Born on the 8th and went home today the 23rd. Fifteen days old. That is very good and I am so happy for TJ and Heather. Ava needs to gain some more weight and might be there a couple more weeks.

Scott is cleaning out our storage unit that we have rented for more years than I can count, and has found all of the pictures I wanted for so long. Pictures of the kids when they were small and even some baby pictures. School pictures, graduation pictures and even more surprises. Our 25th anniversary album was there too.

How great is this news ladies and gents?

Until next time
God Bless y'all

Friday, September 16, 2011


Fall weather is arriving and I can't do a thing about it. Actually it feels okay compared to the 95 plus humidity days. Well we all knew it was coming, didn't we?

New news for the Kelly family is: Tomorrow Aaron and Jenny are being married and starting their life together.

Heather and TJ's twin daughters were born on the 8th. They were one week old yesterday. Ava was 2lbs. 10 oz. and Rylie was 3lbs. 13oz. They came almost 6 weeks early but are doing very well.

I hear that there is a new kitten in the Shawn Sr. family.

And I understand the Wayne Kelly family has added another dog, a very cute puppy to their household.

Scott and Dozer have moved a few days ago into their own studio apartment. Dozer had a trip to the vet and has new medicine for his ears and it's working nicely.

We are not only excited about the wedding but it will give us a chance to see all of the kids and families. This is always a treat for us.

News Flash...WHAT'S DONE IS DONE has been put into ebook form and can be purchased from Iuniverse.com or check at Amazon and Barnes and Noble etc. This can be purchased to fit on a nook, ipad, kindle etc. I was told that a kindle version needs to be purchased from amazon to be sure it will be compatible for the kindle.

This is exciting news because so many people aren't into reading a hand held book these days.

We will be going to Ohio for a long weekend on Sept. 30th. My cousin Chris is getting married and we want to be there.

This summer has been overflowing with weddings, an anniversary party, baby and bridal showers. I wish our winter could be that busy, then maybe it would seem go faster. The days and nights after Christmas seems to just make the long winter drag on. Maybe we will go somewhere.

Until next time.
May y'all learn more and more about God's special love for you.
God Bless.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Getting it together

Hello everyone,

My 'thank you's' are mailed and have probably been received days ago, I hope. It took me days of writing because I wanted to add something personal to each one. Probably a crazy thing to do but it adds a personal touch that I really wanted.

I especially want to thank our family for the time, money, and effort that they put into making this a wonderful party for us. Virginia and Sam were here for a week and we had a wonderful visit. We missed Bryan very much and hopefully he will be able to come on their next visit.

Who knew how God was going to guide and bless our life together fifty years ago? Except for God of course. We have had ups and downs, but the downs seem like nothing in comparison to the wonderful blessings He has bestowed upon us as a couple. To get frustrated with each other occasionally is so normal, but to still be in love is amazing to me. I pray for this kind of lasting love for my kids and my grand kids.

Soon we will be welcoming twins into our family and I am excited. Of course this means less sleep for Heather and TJ but they will get through it. They have family on both sides who will jump in to help when needed I'm sure. This includes Nana.

Our personal lives are taking a change. We are probably going to move in a few weeks and that is scary and exciting at the same time. But for now it means cleaning out nine years of stuff I have put into this little place.

I am looking into getting WHAT'S DONE IS DONE on kindle soon. We'll see. I'm kinda excited about this.

Until next time dear family and friends.
God Bless y'all with His love as you learn to know Him more each day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

50 years?

Can it possibly be fifty years of living and loving the same man?

The day started out hot and muggy, a heavy mist seemed to lie in the air. I had an idea that this wasn't going to improve as the day wore on. It didn't.

My first stop was the hairdressers and I wondered what miracle junk they might have that would keep my hairdo from wilting. I shouldn't have been surprised that I walked out of there with wonderfully stiff hair, makeup in place, and totally ready to hit the next stop on my way home. Now, if you really know me you will not be surprised to hear that this stop was at the nearest Dunkin Donuts. And it didn't matter that the temperature was nearing 90.

The next stop was back home to do my nails and get dressed. Well, we were suppose to be at the Harrison Lee Post 283 in Livonia Center at 4 which was the time is was to start. At about ten till four I was still trying to get into my dress without killing my hair and putting on my new high heals which I don't wear. Ever. Comfort before beauty is the motto the feet had decided on a few years ago. But come on, today was different, special. Surprisingly my feet didn't hurt until about 9. I had taken a spare pair of shoes but didn't need them.

We enjoyed the next five hours visiting with old, and new, friends and family. Sadly our date did conflict with a wedding in John's family, so we were missing some people that we would have loved to have seen.

Our kids hired a DJ. And we also had a lovely friend of ours, who just happens to be a professional photographer, and Korana's aunt came and did pictures.

It was a quite an important milestone for us. It wasn't that we thought our marriage wouldn't last this long, it was more of a surprise that it has been this many years already. God has truly blessed us. Now I need to get busy writing thank you notes.

Until next time,
God Bless y'all (getin use to it yet Shawn?)

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I've spent the last half hour thinking about the clutter in my life. Sound interesting? Probably not but I'd like to tell you about a little of it anyway.

In my house clutter comes in the form of books all around because I'm reading more than one at a time or because of my need to get organized. I want a neat and orderly home but never seem to achieve it. We have too many 'things' but I can't decide what to give up. You know as soon as you give something away you will want to use it. In my apartment, we have dust. Dust on shelves and dust under dressers and the bed. Dust everywhere. Now John is allergic to dust mites so I really need to keep at this stuff I call dust clutter but it's so easy to forget. This is just a taste of what I deal with on a daily basis and can't seem to get a handle on it. I usually blame this on lack of energy. But call and ask me to go to lunch or shopping and see how fast my energy level can pull it together.

Please don't get the wrong idea, I've watched some of those hoarding tv shows and it's not like that. I realize that people who do this can't stop themselves but for me, my kind clutter is frustrating also.

There is another kind of clutter that is much more damaging and for me that is spiritual clutter. I find myself distracted at the worst times. Sometimes I can't pull myself out of it and it can wreck the best worship time or get in the way of a good sermon. My mind will wander away form God to stupid things like what will I buy at the store for dinner or what do I need to do the next day. This might not be an issue for any of you but it's a big one for me.

Spiritual clutter can be things that we need to take care of with the Lord and haven't, so they get in the way with our relationship with Him. The first step is to admit we have a mess and then go to God with our clutter, and at times we might need prayer support by going to a trusted Christian friend to pray with us to help us over the slump of not wanting to move forward and allow our heavenly Father to deal with the clutter. After all He above anyone else wants to help us clear this junk up. I look forward to giving all my spiritual clutter to Him and be free from it once and for all.

So you ask, what happens when it slips back in? Be quicker this time to turn it over to Him. This is His will for us and I don't believe there is a number of times before we run out of forgiveness or repentance. God's word backs this up for us. Matt.18:22 states that we need and can keep forgiving others(and I believe this means forgiving ourselves too).

Is it a sin to have spiritual clutter? Only you can answer this? For me I need to go back and realize that God judges my heart. This goes for all Christians.
I hope you have enjoyed 'Clutter'.

Until next time.
God Bless y'all

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Today I feel that I am so far behind with my blog that I just feel like throwing out my feelings for a few minutes. If I were to open my journal (which I used to do daily)it would read something like this.

Darn why can't I get up early instead of sleeping most of the beautiful morning away? I know it's because I can't go to sleep at night and this has been going on for years. But every year I tell myself that in the summer I want to get up early and totally enjoy the warm, sunny morning before it gets too hot out. But this almost never happens.

Now I walk up to the kitchen window, look out and hear a strange clicking sound coming from the air conditioner. No! We need this. Why does this have to happen in July when we need a little cool in the house? Then I look at the school across the street where they are doing a construction project. Neighborhood rumor has it that they are putting in a new bus loop and moving the playground to make room for it. Okay, I'm frustrated with the noise of the trucks and heavy equipment but maybe it won't take all summer. But the AC is something I don't want to do without. Please Lord.

I know, maybe John or Scott can take it apart and oil everything and it will be fine. We have done this with fans and other stuff.

I turn off the air conditioner and wait for the fan to stop turning. It seems to take forever. Now what! It's off and I still hear the clicking. How can this be? I lean my ear close to the window and can still hear the sound. This is more frustration than I can handle without my morning coffee, so I head out the front door and low and behold the clicking is coming from one of the big construction machines. I smile, turn around and head back to the kitchen for the long awaited cup of coffee that I deserve on this 'early' July morning. I ask God to forgive me for jumping to conclusions and thank Him for the glorious day ahead.

My new years resolution is early this year. I am planning on blogging much more often.

Until next time,
God Bless Y'all

Friday, May 27, 2011


Good afternoon everyone,

Right now I'm sitting in my favorite coffee shop getting ready to give you a couple tastes of WHAT'S DONE IS DONE. I have decided not to do a complete chapter but just some glimpses of a couple of chapters.

This is part of chapter one:

Beth stood on the front porch of her parents home. As she looked out across the the freshly plowed fields, tears trickled down her cheeks. Just then she heard a truck coming down the lengthly driveway. She recognized the low roar of Chad's truck before it was even visible. He and her brother Charles had been best friends since childhood. As he got out of his truck, Beth quickly wiped the tears from her face. "Hi Chad, what bring you out here today?"

Chad smiled at Beth, his blond hair blowing in the breeze.
"I'm going to help Charles with that '55 Chevy we're restoring. We should get a good price for it when it's finished."
Chad noticed that Beth's eyes were red as if she had been crying.
"Beth, is there anything wrong? You know if there is anything you want to talk about, I'm here for you kiddo?" Just hearing the word "kiddo" brought her back to reality. He always treated her like a kid sister. They had developed a bond of friendship over the years but she didn't think of him as a brother. She already had four brothers and a sister.

"I'm fine, Chad, there's nothing for you to worry about." Beth turned quickly, her long dark hair swinging from side to side as she rushed into the house with the screen door banging closed behind her.

Chad thought about her all afternoon as he and Charles worked on the old vehicle. He finally asked Charles if anything was wrong with Beth.

"Now that you mention it, she has been pretty moody lately. It's probably nothing to worry about. You know how females can get."

Chad was hoping to see Beth before he left. He looked around as he walked to his truck but he didn't see her. As Chad drove home, he continued to wonder what was going on with Beth.

The following is from chapter four:

On the way home from work Chad stopped at the grocery store for some milk. As he was approaching the front entrance, he saw Beth walking toward him.

"Oh, hi, Chad. I haven't seen you around much lately. You're probably getting ready for the big day."

"Yeah we are, but I still can't believe you got married before I did."

Why, Chad, because you're older?" she asked with irritation in her voice.

"No, it's just because I didn't know you were that serious about anyone."

"Well, that makes two of us," she said with bitterness in her voice. Then without saying another word, she turned and walked to her car. Quickly she got in, started it and drove away. When she reached a small park down the road, she pulled in and shut off the car. She sat there shaking. Tears were pooling in her eyes but Beth fought to keep them from falling. She wiped at them with the back of her hand. Beth remembered that when she was much younger she had a crush on Chad. Her father had pitched a fit about it because he was so much older. Over the last few years she thought she and Chad had become good friends until she saw him today. The feelings she felt when she looked at him weren't the feelings of friendship. They were much deeper than that.

There you go folks, it only gets better from here. More exciting and more people to meet.

Until next time,
God Bless you richly

Sunday, May 22, 2011



That last posting was awfully short. Something happened and I had to stop and put it in a draft quickly, and well... never mind, we'll just go on from here.
Last Tues. I went to a book signing for WHAT'S DONE IS DONE and met up with a lady I knew years ago. She has just published her third book. We went to dinner at the American Hotel during the two hour break and really enjoyed getting re-acquainted. If you enjoy historical novels you will love hers. I would like to share this information with you: THE IRISH DRESSER by Cynthia Neale is a Story of Hope during the The Great Hunger between (1845-1850), and HOPE IN NEW YORK CITY is The Continuing Story of The Irish Dresser. These are both young adult novels and I have just finished the first and am going to start HOPE IN NEW YORK CITY soon. Her newest, an adult novel just came out in April or early May. The last one is published by Lucky Press. The title is NORAH.

Cynthia can be contacted at: E-Mail: neale@metro2000.net Phone at (603) 329-4249 . She is available for educational events in schools, libraries, bookstores, and other venues.

She can inspire and challenge adults and kids to learn about hunger relief, immigration and to create their own American Dream. Check her books out.

Before I close today I would like to thank everyone who prayed for the prayer requests of a few weeks ago. All prayers were answered.

I am going to write one chapter of WHAT'S DONE IS DONE to wet the appetite of those who haven't read it yet. Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble are still offering it and of course you can purchase copies from me.

Family news: Shawn, Lesley, and kids are moving to a new house very soon. I am so excited for them. The will be living very close to Wayne, Korana, and kids. Congrats. to all. Especially the kids who are similar in age and will be living near their cousins.

Until next time,
God Bless Y'all

P.S. Be watching for the sample chapter within a week or so.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Beautiful Rain

Good afternoon,

Have you ever noticed the fresh smell just after a rain shower? The clean feeling to the air? I know most of us are sick of the rain but just take a minute and look around. The grass is lush and green. The trees have budded and the flowers don't seem to mind too much about the daily soaking they have been getting. I'm sitting inside but with my window open I can see the sun is shining today and the birds have been singing all day.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Don't feel stupid

That's right, don't feel stupid about asking questions. If I need to know something, I should just ask, right? But......wait what happens when someone is nice enough to try to help you and you still can't get it right?
I must, and I really mean must keep trying because the only other option is to give up. A writer can't give up. I think it's the first rule of writing or at least it should be. So, I am going back to the book blog and figure out how to remove the spaces in the blog address.

Let's touch on a lighter subject for a minute. I am ready for warm and sunshine and we aren't there yet. That means I really am out of controlling the weather. I just want to feel good and this stuff usually helps. Wait, I did get a word of encouragement yesterday at our church's Easter Egg Treasure Hunt. A friend came to me and said she loaned her copy of my novel to a friend of hers and she had the same reaction as my friend Laurie. They had been so into it that they couldn't put it down. I've read books that captured me like this and I feel this is a wonderful complement for any author. So let it snow, I am encouraged and that puts a smile on my face and my husband likes this a lot.

I must go because tomorrow is an extra busy day with a funeral to attend (very sad) and I have to work for a few hours. Sorry this is cut short and I haven't added any family news or prayer requests yet.

Until next time dear family and friends,
God Bless Y'all

Prayer requests: continued prayer for Todd's shoulder surgery on the 27th, Seth and Rose are
very sick with some kind of virus, Kristen W. is also suffering with a cough that won't let go.
I thank our God for answered prayer.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

book blog

Good afternoon, I have just joined bookblogs.ing.com and I am looking for help already. My mind in on overload, I have been told that I have spaces in the address. Now that doesn't sound too bad except just where do I go so they will let me edit this. The site is great but I feel lost in it. I'm kinda nervous I will do something that will go against the terms of their agreement. This wouldn't be on purpose. I love this blog already because it contain so much information.

Anyway, if anyone reading this has suggestions please write and let me know. I have one new friend who was able to spot the spaces and manually get in, but I need to fix this asap.

Until next time dear family and friends,
God Bless y'all

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Showers

Good evening everyone, it's good to be home. Our vacation was great but it always feels good to be home. We arrived home last Wednesday evening. I was brave enough to bring a sore throat and cough with me. I have only been out three times since then. Yesterday I thought I might have to see a doctor because of the cough and trying to catch my breath after a coughing spell but my good friend, Karen sent me some Silver Shield and I've taking a large spoonful every few hours. Between this and some serious prayers, I am much better today. Thank you Lord.

Our new car (1989) is running fine, this is also thanks to our Lord. First day home we suspected a little problem but after prayer it was gone. It still amazes me that God is interested in our everyday issues whether small or large. I take so much for granted at times. Thanksgiving should always be in the forefront of my mind.

I am studying a course on self defense for New Beginnings. Not taking it like I had planned but this is still helping me learn some very important issues about things women should be aware of when out alone.

Congratulations to RD and Rose on their upcoming move to a larger place, also to Aaron and Jenny on their closing and getting their new home ready for them. Their wedding is getting closer. And for those of you who haven't heard, our beautiful granddaughter, Heather and her intended are expecting. Two boys or two girls, or always the chance that it's one of each. Yes, Heather and TJ are expecting twins. Wow! Last, but not least of currant family news is, Shawn and Lesley are house hunting and have already found one they are interested in.

Prayer request: Todd is having surgery at the end of this month.

Well I'm sure y'all know that I am getting ready to say good bye for now dear friends and family.

Until next time,
God Bless Y'all

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Good afternoon friends and family,

We are nearing the end of our vacation. I am amazed at how we plan things in our lives and then they have a way of diverting from our plans all by themselves. Basically, we have had a very nice vacation.

First I want to thank Mike and Cheryl for allowing us to visit with them in Florida and enjoy their house. I feel bad that we didn't have much time with Cher because she had to head back to N.Y. But Mike was a gracious host. He took us where we needed to go and never complained once.

We went up to Crystal River and had 3-4 days with
Rose, Robbie, and their girls, Xandra, Starr, and Anyaka. We had a wonderful visit. Thank you so much.

As you know we were also looking for a car because ours was terminally ill. Much of our time was spent on this venture. A lot of days in Palm Bay and Crystal River were spent looking at prospective vehicles. Nothing we agreed upon showed up. Give up I said. Please let's just get one back in N.Y. I heard that vacations were suppose to be fun.

So we gave up and gave it to God and next day as John was taking a ride before we had to return our rental that we had for one week, Yup you guessed it. He found the car that he really wanted and the condition was good, work had just been done, the price was okay and the fellow he bought it from was in the Navy, drive from
Cape Canaveral to meet with him, and took John to the tag place to get a 30 day tag to get it home and licensed in our state.

We are now in Tennessee visiting our daughter and family here. Sadly to say we have left the 77 to 85 degree days but it's still March and we did avoid a snow storm at home. Tuesday we will start heading home.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Beautiful Day

Hello friends, it's almost four pm and the sun has been shinning all day. What a wonderful encouragement this is. It makes me want to go around looking for those little flowers that like to peak out even when there is snow on the ground. Spring is coming. Okay, if you don't believe me just ask that little ground hog what's his name. I am sure that he makes it official. Ha,Ha.

Here is a small tease from, New Beginnings:
Chad felt a little better as he dried off from his shower and climbed into bed. When he put his head on the pillow, he felt Beth's hand on his arm, he turned to face her. "Hi," he said, gently rubbing her hand with his fingers.

She gave him a weak smile, "I'm sorry about earlier." She hesitated for another minute and then continued, "I think I might have seen Barry today."
Chad's eyes seemed to grow into large circles. "Are you sure?" he asked, as he lifted his head up from the pillow.
Barry might be out of prison and back in Maple Grove? Chad couldn't sleep, he just tossed and turned the rest of the night. Dawn was approaching before he finally drifted off to sleep.

Okay folks, I hope that has wet your appetite just a little. I'm sure you noticed that I left out Beth's response to the question.

Until next time,
God Bless Y'all

Monday, February 14, 2011


Good evening, the date of our vacation is getting closer everyday. My only issue now is that I need to make a list of the small things we have to do. We are planning on shipping our clothes down so we don't have to lug baggage around. I need to get out some summer clothes and also plan on getting most of March bills paid before we leave.

Tonight we are enjoying one of those rare nights at home. We had turkey breast,peas and mashed potatoes for supper. Scott is cooking something different. He likes to eat a couple of hours later that we do.

Seth was home for the weekend. He went back to college last night. I saw him for about five minutes just before he left because he stopped to pick up a bag of food. I guess the welding club he belongs to is doing a food drive for the community in the area.

Matt is also back to Ithaca till spring break. I'm so proud of these guys. I told them I couldn't wait to see them at spring break, then I remembered that we will be in Florida while they are home. So I might not see them again until May when they come home for the summer.

My friend Sarah has had an allergic reaction to some medication. I hope you are feeling better today, Sarah.

Until next time when I hope to give you all a sample of the book . I need to say goodbye.
God Bless each and everyone of you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Good Evening

Hello everyone,

They say we are in for a whopper of a storm. It's suppose to start tonight and and continue into tomorrow. The last time I remember a lot of places closing for an up coming storm, we didn't get it and many people were mad at the weather men. But I think they did their best to predict with the technology they had at the time. I am pretty sure that with todays technology they are probably correct this time. All programs have closed and John doesn't have to in tomorrow, just call and check in about 10 am. I guess we better go up to Save- a-Lot and get milk tonight. Maybe even bread for those of us who can eat bread made with wheat floor, which includes all white floor.

We got the muffler on our car fixed and that is a good thing. The appearing in court next week because we weren't able to get it fixed within the 24 hrs. and paying a court fine is not so good. What a way to throw away good money. Darn.

Don't know what's going on with my new laptop I got at Christmas time because I can work on my book at home and then use my flash drive to put it over to the laptop but for some reason I can't move the stuff from the laptop over onto my Dell at home. So I can't do what I wanted the laptop for and I'm a little frustrated. I think it's just a small issue once we find out what it is. Yes, I realize as long as I use the flash drive I have it for either computer but what if I lost it? I just won't plan on losing it and that will solve my issue. Right?

Will try to keep you posted about our big storm, I know some of you don't live in this area.

Until next time,
God Bless Y'all

P.S. Gail, happy wedding shopping with Heather. Love you both.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Long time

I seem to be writing about once a month and would like to at least do this weekly. So, this might be another one of those I'll try to get better things. The truth is sometimes I just forget. Other times, I sit and wonder what I will write. Silly, I know. So today I think I will give you some truthful things about me.
1. I absolutely hate cold weather and so does my husband but I refuse to move away from my kids. Do I have 'kids', yes I do. Not age wise but they will always be my kids no matter how old they get. And we have tried twice to move away and 7 months was the longest we could stay away and that was because we were near one of them. Trips are fine, staying away is different.
2. I am frustrated with New Beginnings, not because I don't want to do it, but because I don't seem to be moving fast enough for me.
3. I just gave my daughter in law some advise and now I wish I had kept my mouth shut. You see even if people ask, we are all different and handle things differently. I would call her now and tell her to ignore me, but once she reads it, the harm has been done. I just believe today's young parents are so different than years ago and this bothers me at times.
4. Where have the families gone is my question? Where are the people who would not think twice about taking in elderly parents, they wouldn't have it any other way.
5. If a certain person should read this and wanted to ask us to move near, do this please. Don't stop just because I need to vent today.
6.I need to feel needed and I have a problem with that at times. I'm not talking about babysitting and things I feel too burned out to do but needed in other ways.

Now, I'm bawling like a baby and there is a good chance no one will read this because I might just delete it.

Sunday, John had a chance to visit with his cousin. This is especially good because he thought his cousin had passed away. He never told me this. I guess he decided he would just keep the regret of not re-connecting with him to himself. I never realized the hurt he was feeling until we finally discussed the situation.
My point is that when we choose not to communicate with those we love, we usually all lose in some way.

Some of you might not be happy with this blog but someone recently told me is none of my business what someone else thinks of me. I still have a problem with the wording of that one.

Until next time,
God Bless y'all (smile Shawn, oh to be a fly on your wall)